Author Topic: A Second Open Letter  (Read 1728 times)


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Re: A Second Open Letter
« Reply #15 on: April 19, 2015, 07:28:06 PM »
Maybe you're a girl...

the one thing is the persistance and the provoking of yours. i feel you hide a little behind your statement, that it should have been obvious. but you also tried hard that it was not obvious.
i tried to reply to yout post with just argueing on an unemotional level, but i never got a reply. that kind of feels uncomfortable too. as i tried to mediate a little in between but no one refered to that posts.
it's like you really tried to piss people off, and then you got what you wanted.
i see it as kind of unnecessary and wonder what your aim is. you put a lot of creativity in it, but for what sake? betcha, betcha, betcha...(if i knew you're a girl i would quote further: why can't we kiss and go to bed? ;-)

now there has been some explaining and i hope that people calm down a little bit, or just go into a well mannered creative fight with arguements and words, or just leave the topics, post their own.
ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
try again. fail again. fail better.
(samuel beckett)


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Re: A Second Open Letter
« Reply #16 on: April 19, 2015, 07:42:58 PM »
Whatever your intentions behind your posts, Space, the result is the same every time.

Your sense of humour / megalomania / highly individualistic method of interacting with the rest of the Family is wearing thin, and is, quite frankly, boring.

If you're here to troll, then well done - you've trolled like an expert.  It's now time to move on.

If you're here to make friends and get involved, perhaps a modification of how you come across would be useful.



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Re: A Second Open Letter
« Reply #17 on: April 19, 2015, 08:07:09 PM »
Whatever your intentions behind your posts, Space, the result is the same every time.

Your sense of humour / megalomania / highly individualistic method of interacting with the rest of the Family is wearing thin, and is, quite frankly, boring.

If you're here to troll, then well done - you've trolled like an expert.  It's now time to move on.

If you're here to make friends and get involved, perhaps a modification of how you come across would be useful.


I know this comment is NOT going to be well liked, but honestly - what is "boring" to me is how many times and people have to tell Space his postings are boring to everyone, that no one finds them amusing, and that he needs to stop because its old.

But yet EVERYONE keeps reacting to them and responding to them with passion.
And I don't think any of you should speak FOR EVERYONE on what is boring or funny or not.

Its like people who complain about a corporations practices but continue to buy their products, or ebay buyers that ***** and complain about people charging too much for shipping, but they see the terms ahead of time and purchase the items from them anyway. (sorry I sell on Ebay and now Ebay takes a cut of the shipping charge for themselves due to so many complaining about high shipping charges and that affects me when all they had to do was NEVER BUY from those sellers).

If you dont like something - just DONT PATRONIZE it. At ALL. Why is that so hard for people? I have seen days and days now of people responding to Space with passionate responses when they say he is boring and not making friends or making good humor. If NO ONE EVER RESPONDED to Space, what motivation would he have to post anything?
What is it about human behavior to keep responding to that they cant change when they have the full power to just ignore. Words are JUST WORDS.

I had an abusive girlfriend once - VERY endlessly verbally abusive. No one could have said worse, more insulting things to me , just out of being angry and wanting to hurt. But I understood what it was (just to inflict pain), and the words meant little (other than a reason to get out of the relationship eventually) to me.
In the course of that relationship, I had said one really harsh thing to her when I was angry and frustrated.
She NEVER let it go, many months later, how much my words said ONCE hurt her. I actually felt kinda guilty, yet I never let it phase me about the things she said to me regularly when angry. Why the difference?
Because we all get to choose how words affect us. She could have taken the one thing I said, decided I was a jerk and left. She chose to get hurt by it and stay around. I could have been hurt by the countless very personal insulting things she said to me, yet I wasnt phased, and trust me, they were the worst things anyone could have said to me about my most personal insecurities.

Its why I dont support banning people from forums, unless they are posting like spam or something. Because everyone here has the power to NOT let words affect them and just ignore. To me, its that simple. Doesnt mean ALL of us wont get into a heated argument at times over what is said, but it is still within your power to just move on and ignore.
To spaces posts, I havent seen that at all, I have seen everyone responding, taking his often absurd words VERY seriously and feeling compelled to respond over and over.

I also cant agree with people speaking for everyone. I dont think EVERYONE here thinks Space is boring, unfunny, offensive. Just because SOME here do, doesnt mean everyone does, yet many of you seem to speak for everyone.

If EVERYONE didnt like Spaces comments and found them boring, and just truly ignored them, there would be no banning, or "administrator involvement" needed. He would simply lose interest and stop posting here.
The reaction I see from everyone hardly shows he is boring people. Maybe in Europe "boring" had a different meaning?

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Re: A Second Open Letter
« Reply #18 on: April 20, 2015, 02:38:11 AM »
So - We good?


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Re: A Second Open Letter
« Reply #19 on: April 20, 2015, 12:31:54 PM »
Bit gutted actually. I thought Second Open Letter was a great name for an album.
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Re: A Second Open Letter
« Reply #20 on: April 21, 2015, 02:54:54 PM »
Maybe I'm a Motley Crue fan. Maybe I am...who knows for sure?)

:o Please...not that....please don't be that!  :D
I am o.k. with The Cult, though.  ;)

I should do some serious catching up, it seems - message forums have disappeared, for the most part - and FB just isn't the same - I am glad this place still exists,


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Re: A Second Open Letter
« Reply #21 on: April 21, 2015, 07:54:32 PM »
Shush, I really have a hard time answering you. You are asking if I am serious.

- I post here a CD with a title "...& Nobody Else But Space" and I will charge you fifty dollars each for a copy
- I write absurd lyrics to "Caslen" and say they are better than Justin's
- I say I wrote an updated version of "51st State" and call it "52nd State (The Ballad Of Puerto Rico)"

And yet you ask if I am joking.
I am just sitting here shaking my head in amazement. I really am.

I post the way I choose to. I can discuss NMA songs and matters in a serious knowledgeable manner or I can post crazy lyrics to "Caslen." But, no, Bill B and others here say we should all post in the same manner. I often times here make fun of the Motley Crue Board, but that place most certainly has a better sense of humor and more tolerance of others than this place.

Im still laughing at the "& Nobody Else But Space".

What I find interesting, going on the comment that if you said the things you did in person - it would not be taken very well.
Master Ray said:
"I know this stuff is acceptable on the Internet, but you've never been to an NMA gig or a pre-gig / after-meet. Such laughter and camaraderie...  now imagine you kept saying that shit over and over again in that environment... you wouldn't be very popular, trust me. "

I think if Space sat in a crowd of fans and said the things he did here, everyone would laugh at the absurdity of it all a lot faster than they did here. Just my opinion.

I think the psychology of interaction in online forums is still something not entirely understood or well navigated, as its still such a new way of communicating we have never experienced in thousands of years of human interaction. For better AND worse, people behave in very different ways than they do in person.
Because it is funny. It is very funny.  I love the music and band too and don't get how people are offended.  I would not be suprised if people from the band read that and laughed.
People just want someone to be angry with.  As someone from the same country as Space and in his defense, I do get the humor. I get it more than the dry english wit and sarcasm.
it continues the point i have been trying to make for a while. Humor is cultural.

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Re: A Second Open Letter
« Reply #22 on: April 21, 2015, 08:22:15 PM »
Space, I don't always agree with what you say but I generally enjoy reading your posts.


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Re: A Second Open Letter
« Reply #23 on: April 22, 2015, 12:31:02 PM »
I see Sequoia's posts are still making the same sense as they did (generally ;) ) years ago.

The difficulty with written communication as opposed to spoken is that it is sometimes difficult to get context, emphasis, humour across, even with emoticons.

We have freedom of speech. But freedoms inevitably come with duties; in this case, we have the duty not to use our freedom of speech to abuse, bully, insult others. Otherwise freedoms tend to be lost.


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Re: A Second Open Letter
« Reply #24 on: April 22, 2015, 03:26:14 PM »
I don't think humans need freedom of speech. Because someone always will use it the abuse or bully who they see weaker.  That me in most cases. I think it's the last thing humans need. It seems to be used as an excuse.  People in the west complain about it when they are challenged on the internet.  However people else where are being killed for simply being themselves. It really puts how insignificant this is into perspective.
Where I'm from is not my home, and neither's where i'm bound.