Whatever your intentions behind your posts, Space, the result is the same every time.
Your sense of humour / megalomania / highly individualistic method of interacting with the rest of the Family is wearing thin, and is, quite frankly, boring.
If you're here to troll, then well done - you've trolled like an expert. It's now time to move on.
If you're here to make friends and get involved, perhaps a modification of how you come across would be useful.
I know this comment is NOT going to be well liked, but honestly - what is "boring" to me is how many times and people have to tell Space his postings are boring to everyone, that no one finds them amusing, and that he needs to stop because its old.
But yet EVERYONE keeps reacting to them and responding to them with passion.
And I don't think any of you should speak FOR EVERYONE on what is boring or funny or not.
Its like people who complain about a corporations practices but continue to buy their products, or ebay buyers that ***** and complain about people charging too much for shipping, but they see the terms ahead of time and purchase the items from them anyway. (sorry I sell on Ebay and now Ebay takes a cut of the shipping charge for themselves due to so many complaining about high shipping charges and that affects me when all they had to do was NEVER BUY from those sellers).
If you dont like something - just DONT PATRONIZE it. At ALL. Why is that so hard for people? I have seen days and days now of people responding to Space with passionate responses when they say he is boring and not making friends or making good humor. If NO ONE EVER RESPONDED to Space, what motivation would he have to post anything?
What is it about human behavior to keep responding to that they cant change when they have the full power to just ignore. Words are JUST WORDS.
I had an abusive girlfriend once - VERY endlessly verbally abusive. No one could have said worse, more insulting things to me , just out of being angry and wanting to hurt. But I understood what it was (just to inflict pain), and the words meant little (other than a reason to get out of the relationship eventually) to me.
In the course of that relationship, I had said one really harsh thing to her when I was angry and frustrated.
She NEVER let it go, many months later, how much my words said ONCE hurt her. I actually felt kinda guilty, yet I never let it phase me about the things she said to me regularly when angry. Why the difference?
Because we all get to choose how words affect us. She could have taken the one thing I said, decided I was a jerk and left. She chose to get hurt by it and stay around. I could have been hurt by the countless very personal insulting things she said to me, yet I wasnt phased, and trust me, they were the worst things anyone could have said to me about my most personal insecurities.
Its why I dont support banning people from forums, unless they are posting like spam or something. Because everyone here has the power to NOT let words affect them and just ignore. To me, its that simple. Doesnt mean ALL of us wont get into a heated argument at times over what is said, but it is still within your power to just move on and ignore.
To spaces posts, I havent seen that at all, I have seen everyone responding, taking his often absurd words VERY seriously and feeling compelled to respond over and over.
I also cant agree with people speaking for everyone. I dont think EVERYONE here thinks Space is boring, unfunny, offensive. Just because SOME here do, doesnt mean everyone does, yet many of you seem to speak for everyone.
If EVERYONE didnt like Spaces comments and found them boring, and just truly ignored them, there would be no banning, or "administrator involvement" needed. He would simply lose interest and stop posting here.
The reaction I see from everyone hardly shows he is boring people. Maybe in Europe "boring" had a different meaning?