Wishing you a speedy recovery and timely release for good behaviour from Covid Jail.
Oh dear!!!! Stay sane andd I hope this will pass without any further symptoms!

I am with Master Ray, this does not look as if it is going to be over soon. Figures here in Germany are rising like mad - new measures will be introduced tomorrow, I bleive, I do wonder what they are going to be. The mood amongst people is dark, to put it mildly, and there is this huge rift in the population. I am not liking this one bit!

In part, I do blame our politicians for their lousy ways of communicating, I know ever so many people are just scared and confused and don't know who to believe. Things have been super chaotic and I really don't get why things were done certain ways, despite scientists voicing their concerns and giving advice.
Well, I do know why, actually: the elections - no-one wanted to be any less popular than most of them already were. That's shameful.
It also amazes me - and not in a good way - how futile it is to appeal to people's common sense, to rely on them following recommendations, taking responsibility for not onyl their own well-being but also for that of those around them.
Let's see what's still to come...
Hope you guys will all stay healthy!!!