Yes, I do want to quit smoking... All ex-smokers here, please share your success stories, I truly need motivation!

Funny thing is that I have once succesfully quit smoking, for five years. Stupidest thing I've done was to start again, I had some rough time and became a smoker again, overnight. One tough night, that's it, back to at least a pack of ciggies a day, usually more than that. Unfortunately the method I used to quit smoking is out of question now

And still, at one point, I felt constantly murderous... Throwing furniture around my flat (no kidding, that literally happened

Knowing myself somewhat, I already know pretty well what doesn't work for me - number one being ''just count your cigarettes and gradually smoke less'', that absolutely drives me nuts and only thing I can do then is to think about cigarettes. 2) Going cold turkey. Definitely some source of nicotine needed... Last time I tried to quit, it was a succesfull day and a half, then the withdrawal symptoms totally took me by surprise. 3) An electronic cigarette. I even have one. Every time I've tried, hurts my throat more than the normal, velvety-smooth, wonderful tasting, authentic cigarette smoke

4) Nicotine patches. I have some skin problems...

And I was watching my friend getting all dizzy from 'mild' version... 5) Nicotine gum. I can't even chew a normal gum without getting disgusted

6) That Iqos or whatever thingy, those are from Satan. I can't believe that it's allowed here to 'smoke' those ones inside... They literally smell like a horse's arse, worse than that (don't ask, but I do know how horse's arse smells like

) 7) The magic pills for quitting. Those are basically anti-depressants, I have a very bad experience from head pills.
Well well...
*having a ciggy break now*
Thing I know that will help a bit... Planning ahead. Setting a date to somewhere comfortably far - thinking about November, nothing happens in November anyway

Actually deciding that ''I will quit in November''.
This is like the stupidest habit and addiction. I miss my lung capacity. It's nice when you can walk up the stairs without starting to pant almost instantly. To be able to go to movies/concerts and so on without that nagging fear at the back of your head that you might start craving a cigarette in the middle of it. And nowadays it's even more awkward to have the smoker's cough - everybody eyeballing me in horror and moving away before I have a chance to wheeze ''no covid, too many cigarettes''

I was thinking about trying nicotine spray, seems like most comfortable as an idea. And anybody knows if they're still selling somewhere those pre-e-ciggy -era thingies, the approx ciggy-sized plastic tubes where you put some filter with nicotine inside?
I'm afraid and have very little trust in myself...
Anyway, I'd appreciate all your stories about cigarettes, and quitting, anything! Mental support!

And of course, if there's someone who also want to quit, wanna join me for the November challenge?