Author Topic: Too many cigarettes... I don't want to feel like this anymore  (Read 1056 times)


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Too many cigarettes... I don't want to feel like this anymore
« on: September 10, 2020, 02:07:41 AM »
Yes, I do want to quit smoking... All ex-smokers here, please share your success stories, I truly need motivation! :)

Funny thing is that I have once succesfully quit smoking, for five years. Stupidest thing I've done was to start again, I had some rough time and became a smoker again, overnight. One tough night, that's it, back to at least a pack of ciggies a day, usually more than that. Unfortunately the method I used to quit smoking is out of question now  ::) And still, at one point, I felt constantly murderous... Throwing furniture around my flat (no kidding, that literally happened  ;D)

Knowing myself somewhat, I already know pretty well what doesn't work for me - number one being ''just count your cigarettes and gradually smoke less'', that absolutely drives me nuts and only thing I can do then is to think about cigarettes. 2) Going cold turkey. Definitely some source of nicotine needed... Last time I tried to quit, it was a succesfull day and a half, then the withdrawal symptoms totally took me by surprise. 3) An electronic cigarette. I even have one. Every time I've tried, hurts my throat more than the normal, velvety-smooth, wonderful tasting, authentic cigarette smoke :) 4) Nicotine patches. I have some skin problems... :( And I was watching my friend getting all dizzy from 'mild' version... 5) Nicotine gum. I can't even chew a normal gum without getting disgusted  :o 6) That Iqos or whatever thingy, those are from Satan. I can't believe that it's allowed here to 'smoke' those ones inside... They literally smell like a horse's arse, worse than that (don't ask, but I do know how horse's arse smells like  ;D) 7) The magic pills for quitting. Those are basically anti-depressants, I have a very bad experience from head pills.

Well well...
*having a ciggy break now*

Thing I know that will help a bit... Planning ahead. Setting a date to somewhere comfortably far - thinking about November, nothing happens in November anyway :) Actually deciding that ''I will quit in November''.

This is like the stupidest habit and addiction. I miss my lung capacity. It's nice when you can walk up the stairs without starting to pant almost instantly. To be able to go to movies/concerts and so on without that nagging fear at the back of your head that you might start craving a cigarette in the middle of it. And nowadays it's even more awkward to have the smoker's cough - everybody eyeballing me in horror and moving away before I have a chance to wheeze ''no covid, too many cigarettes''  ;D

I was thinking about trying nicotine spray, seems like most comfortable as an idea. And anybody knows if they're still selling somewhere those pre-e-ciggy -era thingies, the approx ciggy-sized plastic tubes where you put some filter with nicotine inside?

I'm afraid and have very little trust in myself...

Anyway, I'd appreciate all your stories about cigarettes, and quitting, anything! Mental support! :) And of course, if there's someone who also want to quit, wanna join me for the November challenge? :)


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Re: Too many cigarettes... I don't want to feel like this anymore
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2020, 08:54:46 AM »
I gave up smoking about 40 years ago,used to smoke 20/25 a day....i went cold turkey. ;D.back then it was very hard to stop ,you could smoke at work..and most people did..i admit i do have a roll up now and then,and an exotic smoke at Festivals......(but that does'nt count)..i still consider myself a non smoker...i know it it is difficult as everyone is different....good luck with your mission,i guess you just have to keep trying.


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Re: Too many cigarettes... I don't want to feel like this anymore
« Reply #2 on: September 10, 2020, 09:37:31 PM »
Stopped smoking over 5 years ago now , I still use nicotine as I vape , compared to when I started the vape industry has massively improved and there are many excellent starter kits on the market plus nicotine salts are readily available,  nic salts will give you a faster hit than regular nicotine.  My advice go into a vape shop and see what they recommend, maybe watch some YouTube videos.  Try and break your routine slowly as most cigarettes are habit and not u needing nicotine.  If you want more advice ask me .
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Re: Too many cigarettes... I don't want to feel like this anymore
« Reply #3 on: September 11, 2020, 05:58:58 AM »
Thank you so much Pol! I wanted to write longer reply now but tonight I've been actually Working, no time for forum  ;D I'll return next week... And I'll continue my research about quitting smoking - know your enemy!  :)


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Re: Too many cigarettes... I don't want to feel like this anymore
« Reply #4 on: September 11, 2020, 11:47:01 AM »
If you're serious thinking about a e cig , do a bit of research there a quite a bit too it but u will soon take it in . A decent starter kit is the way to go,  worth spending a bit extra to begin with,  good main stream brands are aspire,  smok,  innokin
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Re: Too many cigarettes... I don't want to feel like this anymore
« Reply #5 on: September 12, 2020, 02:44:39 PM »
Here's how I did it (smokes for 10 years, now 20 years clean):

1) Read book from Allen Carr.
2) Quit smoking.


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Re: Too many cigarettes... I don't want to feel like this anymore
« Reply #6 on: September 12, 2020, 04:28:15 PM »
Here's how I did it (smokes for 10 years, now 20 years clean):

1) Read book from Allen Carr.
2) Quit smoking.

Me too.



Isaac(Black Eagle Rising)

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Re: Too many cigarettes... I don't want to feel like this anymore
« Reply #7 on: September 12, 2020, 10:03:15 PM »
 I've been smoking about 28 years.I still smoke more than a package in a day.When I woke up first thing I do is put the kettle on make a coffee and start the day with a cigarette.I never quit in any moment of my life.So we can say that Im a hardcore smoker really.I think the main motivation starts in mind.Im still happy with the smoking and it gives me pleasure and satisfaction.Even if I have serious health issues now,it is really hard for me to quit.Im not telling you how to quit but I share some experiences so maybe you can make an imagination in your mind.As I said I think it really starts in mind.And Sports looks like an answer to me.Whatever you do,whatever you can.Any kind of sports,gym,football,table tennis,jogging,walking,anything to make you sweat.I saw it worked on some people.Which will make you more sweat and you get the feeling that you're detoxficationing your body.And a simple life of course.No ashtrays,no lighters,no ashes dirt all around your home,no bad smell on your clothes and mouth, a fresh breath.So anything to keep you motivated around you is needed.It's not easy but it's not impossible.I tried iqos to decrease my smoking habbits but believe me it's not worth to it and makes you wanna smoke more.Vape and e-cigs still a mystery to me but as Pol explained in the previous entry it may work too.And in the future thinking of give it a try.Hope you make it.Good luck with that.
« Last Edit: September 13, 2020, 07:06:12 AM by Isaac(Black Eagle Rising) »


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Re: Too many cigarettes... I don't want to feel like this anymore
« Reply #8 on: September 13, 2020, 03:02:07 PM »
I smoked for over 30 years,  yes I probably deluded myself that I really enjoyed,  would have roll up b4 I got out of bed , probably had about 5 b4 I got to work. Quit your way and what works for you
Weirdo   Mosher   Freak.

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Re: Too many cigarettes... I don't want to feel like this anymore
« Reply #9 on: September 13, 2020, 09:29:42 PM »
Here's how I did it (smokes for 10 years, now 20 years clean):

1) Read book from Allen Carr.
2) Quit smoking.

Me too.



Me three!

Used to smoke the standard 20 a day for 20 years. Have not had a cigarette in over 15 years and really don't miss it.


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Re: Too many cigarettes... I don't want to feel like this anymore
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2020, 03:46:12 AM »
Thank you so much for all of your replies!

jc, Bever and Johnz, yes I have that book, got it as a gift from my friend after he heard me complaining about my addiction :) It is indeed extremely effective and when I'll go on with my plan in November I'll have it with me all the time so I can return to it when I'll try (and I know I will) to make any stupid excuses to back out and light up! I was thinking about buying a very small notebook and copy the Carr's book by hand there, call it my ''The Little Book of Calm''  ;D Here's a link to the first episode of Black Books - if you go to 01:20 you'll see how I will look like, searching for my book: I absolutely love what happens to Manny with his book in that episode! Maybe I'll try to swallow it in the end to end up like him, as I tend to be more like Bernard :)


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Re: Too many cigarettes... I don't want to feel like this anymore
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2020, 04:11:13 AM »
Isaac, wow, thanks for sharing! And your morning ritual seems exactly like mine - do you also skip the breakfast?  ;D

I'm probably going to make a plan and a combo of all tactics that will feel right in the end... Time to redirect my stubbornness to something good  ::)

One reason I started this topic is that it makes my plan more concrete when I write it down and share... And it would be very awkward to chicken out after I've shared this... If you guys won't hear from me in November, it'll mean I'll be somewhere sobbing out of shame with a cigarette hanging from my mouth  ;D


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Re: Too many cigarettes... I don't want to feel like this anymore
« Reply #12 on: November 19, 2020, 12:56:56 PM »
I wanted to write an update on this... On 3rd of November I did quit smoking! I had the book from Allen Carr which is brilliant - I bought some nicotine spray "just-in-case" because I was scared but in the end I never used it! I seriously can't believe that everything has gone so smoothly. I hope it'll stay that way.
Thanks to everybody here also!  :)


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Re: Too many cigarettes... I don't want to feel like this anymore
« Reply #13 on: November 19, 2020, 12:59:00 PM »
I wanted to write an update on this... On 3rd of November I did quit smoking! I had the book from Allen Carr which is brilliant - I bought some nicotine spray "just-in-case" because I was scared but in the end I never used it! I seriously can't believe that everything has gone so smoothly. I hope it'll stay that way.
Thanks to everybody here also!  :)

Good job! You should be proud, it's no small task. Now keep going!


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Re: Too many cigarettes... I don't want to feel like this anymore
« Reply #14 on: November 19, 2020, 01:10:36 PM »
Well ive been Vape free for two weeks now. Using patches to ease the pain but its a lot easier to stop than cigarettes were. I find myself feeling less tired and have just started doing couch to 5k as well. Not missing the vape at all qnd enjoying the new lease of energy I seem to have.
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