I have to say I have a REALLY decent sound system, had to wait to be more than 45 to finally be able to buy what I dreamed about in my 16s, will probably never be able to do it again if it breaks. 
Man, Valstar Superstar, that sounds sweet!

Especially if you're able to play it loud, enough to get the walls breathing and the nails subtly popping out of the floor boards. Of course not to the point where your ears split / bleed or even every time you turn the stereo on, but just when you play anything from NMA. That'd be fcukin' ace!
It's nowhere near the real deal of an actual live gig, no, but with great equipment
(which you've already got) and proper positioning of everything; the stereo, the speakers, the furniture - preferably in a pretty decent sized room, with good or even better ceiling height, at least 2 parallel windows
(or one really big centered one), very little furniture and minimal fabric in the room - so that you can coax a hint or a whisper of an echo, in the room that you keep your stereo equipment in... then it would come pretty fcukin' close to the feeling like the real deal. Especially,
especially when you close your eyes, sit back, or better yet lie face-up, back to the floor, in the unlit room, eyes closed, arms and legs spaced comfortably apart, fully relaxed and ready to receive, take in the sound, soak up the music. Listen not only with your ears, but with your
entire body and the rest of your senses.
'Are you receiving' ? 
The fluidity, when every aspect of the set up, if done correctly, is met, should wash over you, resonate through every inch of your body, from the tips of your toes to the top of your head, 'til every single hair follicle on your entire body stands on end, rises, awakens. Be warned, it's very addictive. Best thing though, is that it's a clean rush, fcukin' awesome 100% clean way to trip! No additional chemicals needed, just the ones naturally already housed within your body, the right mind-set / frame of mind and phenomenal record collection, and you're there! It's better at night though. Sound travels better later in the day, in the dark, for some, unbeknownst to me, reason. Oh, and don't forget to take your socks off, rest of clothing... whatever floats your boat. But feet should definitely be bare.
I'm 100% positive of this. I know it sounds really,
really lame, corny, and cheesy, lol, but forget the bedroom! Well, unless that's where your stereo is kept, located. But if it's not in the bedroom, then the room that houses the stereo equipment would be the
one room in the entire house I'd make it a point to
Feng Shui. It's so worth it, absolutely fcukin' amazing! Incredibly rewarding, highly pleasurable, full-on, thorough listening experience! This has been pretty much my stereo set up since the early 1980's. I'd never even heard of
Feng Shui, back then. On April 8th, 2016 even
Billboard magazine wrote about how to
Feng Shui your stereo setup. Folk can check out the article and diagrams
here. Enjoy it... or not, lol.

I was only listening to digital music for a long time. Then I plugged back my record player, and when I put a digital song (with a good DAC for digital to analog conversion) and the same song on vinyl, there’s no way you can prefer the digital version (not just mp3, cd also). The sound of vinyl is way much warmth, and the « space » is much more occupied, don’t know how to explain that, you feel that the room is actually filled by the sound, that never happens with analog music.
Totally with you on every point of which you raised Valstar Superstar. Though I'm pretty sure think you meant to type "that never happens with digital music", instead of
"analog music", am I correct?

Vinyl is definitely warmer sounding, for sure. The audible, spatial aspect of it is much wider, fuller, richer, fluid sounding as well. My personal issue with vinyl is how to keep it from retaining so much fcukin' static. All that snap, crackle and popping really irks me, to no end. So much so, that it gets in the way of me enjoying the music. For me, it's the equivalent of scraping one's fingernails down a chalkboard. It's foreign sound, additional, unwelcomed noise that often times, completely wrecks the entire vibe of a song,

especially when playing softer, quieter, moody, ambient pieces of music.
I am convinced it has everything to do with the record sleeves, turntable mats, record needle and vinyl cleaning brush and solution. So what I need to know from every single person here who swears by vinyl 1000% is...
1. How do you care for and clean your stereo equipment? Namely the mat and record needle?
2. What about the vinyl itself, how do you eliminate the static, dust, dirt, etc. from the actual records?
3. What other tips and tricks have you picked up along the way about vinyl record and stereo equipment maintenance? Details please... if possible.I actually turned to youtube last year and found out that some collectors actually WASH their vinyl records with water! When I saw them spin their vinyl in water, I was like, WTF?

I'm not sure I want to risk doing that to my vinyl, at this point. Any tips or advice, from anybody would be greatly appreciated.

I still mostly listen to digital music on a daily basis, it’s more convenient, just not as good. 
That's pretty much all I'm listening to right now, as well. It's too convenient, in a lot of ways, actually. But I can't help myself, I'm a music junkie to the core.

I still buy CDs, LPs, music DVDs, and even cassettes. I'll continue to do so for as long bands / artists keep manufacturing them. I would honestly hate it if one day, there would no longer be the option of buying a physical, tangible album release. I do fear though, that the younger generations especially, are going to kill CDs, LPs, DVDs, etc. It's already begun... and streaming is the culprit, unfortunately. And I sense that it's going to happen too soon.

A Vinyl Version, this is really great news. Hope to see more of the albums never been released in the best available Technology —> Vinyl. Love it 😍.
Greetings FCAndre,

Me too, I'd like to complete my NMA/JS catalogue on vinyl as well as on CD too. FCAndre, I don't suppose you have a couple of minutes to spare, to share your tips and ticks on how to properly clean and maintain vinyl records, and deal with static, etc.?

Anyone else here,

able to add their input or help? Thanking you in advance.