Of course we have to include Mad Max Fury Road in here, because of the old-school approach to have huge, choreographed stunt scenes, wide shots and use the cgi mostly to cover the wire, the stuntman are hanging from while attached to fast moving cars

But i have to contradict your opinion about the Fast and the Furious. I think this is a pre-judice, because i had the same once...;-)
I once bought, i think it was the fifth release of the franchise, all bad words when talking about films, but when we look at the carstunts there...man, there's some sht going on there...and after watching that part i went for all of them.
I would criticize them, as a little bit too fastly edited and because of the Star driven franchise, the actors all have to be shown driving, what they can't, so there have to be way too much intercuts, showing the driving.
But all the stunt scenes are damnn good choreographed and of course taken so much to the limit. They work with cgi, but still try do do real stunts. Like building a framework inthe size of a huge antonov or whatever big russian freighter airplane, so they can really drive trough it..and later fill in the shape of that airplane in cgi.
There is a scene, where they have all the cars in a huge airplane, and they all have to fall from the sky, land and drive on. Of course there is also some cgi in there, flying through the air, falling and talking and so on, but what they did was build a wire above a road and woods and had the cars hung up there, gliding down and landing. This scene looks so unreal good.
And they really go for it, have huge scenes, they really pay for the promise of car chases. From that aspect i love those movies. You have to see to believe. And i must admit, all the cast was so unexpected sympathetic, like Vin Disel, The Rock and Walker and the rest, that i truely enjoyed that franchise and was a bit sad about the death of Paul Walker. After the Fast and Furious i was more open to movies with Vin Disel and The Rock.
Here is a cool short making of another fantastic, car crashing chase scene:
Fast & Furious 5 | Behind The Scenes | Burning The Rubber