I am, right now, private posts from the last ten years or so and I don't know if it makes me happy or sad. Possibly both at the same time.
I'm happy because there was so much camaraderie back then, silly jokes, support when someone had personal issues, arranging meets at forthcoming gigs, issues between us that we didn't want going on the main Forum and, sometimes, us being being a bit bitchy just for the fun of it..

And I'm also sad because most of those folks don't post anymore (as I didn't for a while and I'm doing my best to make up for it!) and I rarely see a face I recognize over the last couple of years at gigs.
Life moves on... it's a bit like spending years going to a pub where you knew a good proportion of the punters but they drift away when 'real life' gets in the way. And I accept that. I hope those who don't post anymore are happy and content in their real lives. But looking back over those old PM's was both a funny and sad thing. Anyone ever look at those old PM's and how do you feel about them?