I was about 14 I think and a friend of mines sister recorded me Levelling the Land on one side of a tape & The Love Of Hopeless Causes on another. I then went on a family holiday & had the tape glued to my portable tape player the whole time. I remember clearly that it was 'These Words' that really took me - the lyrics, the build up of Justin's voice. (my favourite Levellers track from LTL was 'The Game' incidentally!).
I came back and then started to put any pennies into buying all the New Model Army albums - on tape - I since had to re buy on CD & I tunes! (I'm a long time lurker here & read the debate re copying music / theft etc with interest - all the time thinking back to my friends sister & her recording me that tape - how it ended up me paying alot of money towards NMA / Joolz products).
I went out and bought the 'Here Comes The War' t-shirt (which I wore until in fell off! I must dig it out & frame it), a massive 'Get ME Out' poster, Joolz's poetry books etc. A teacher at my school was a big fan and very kindly recorded me 2 x Bootlegs and told me all about the gigs etc (Damien - if you're still following the band - and I'm sure you are - thanks very much!)
I wanted them to be my first proper gig - but they weren't touring at the time - well not that I knew of. My first gig ended up being Carter USM - it was good - but I actually really wanted to go and see The Levellers at the same venue (Reading Rivermead) the night before - it was sold out & I was gutted in a way only a 14 year old can be!! I remember Jim Bob walking on stage, picking up a piece of paper and reading it out to the audience "Sorry about the smell, the Levellers were here last night!"

I finally got to see them on the Nobody Else Tour in Portsmouth & was right down the front going mental - finally singing the songs I loved out loud with like minded people. I last saw them in Cork on the High tour & it made me feel just the same as the first gig (as have the other shows I've managed to see in-between).
They've been one of the few bands I've listened to constantly - always getting new releases, checking to see if I can make a gig. They never let me down - there's always something on an album - a lyric, a bass line, the way Justin sings a line ("Please god, make it ok" from the new album being a prime example).
I look forward to the next stage with excitement!