I first heard of them in the summer of 84 after my brother had borrowed Vengeance from a friend and that was the beginning of the journey for us both. Saw them live in 87 for the first time, seen them regularly since then, bought all the LPs, CD, singles, t-shirts, posters and collected as many bootlegs as I can get my hands on. Like most I've had my preferred era's with mine being from Vengeance up to Strange Brotherhood then I lost it a bit from Eight to High then came back with TIAGD. I always loved the live stuff though, so much better listening to them live. A point of interest to maybe some was the 'friend' who my brother borrowed the Vengeance LP off is The Charlatans singer Tim Burgess. I've never seen in print him mention NMA but I imagine compared to some of the influences I've seen mentioned by him, they are simply not trendy enough. His loss though