Author Topic: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?  (Read 29236 times)

Silver Cloud

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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #165 on: July 18, 2020, 08:34:22 PM »

I dont like social media, but nearly everybody uses it, without thinking about dates and control … many of my friends communicate with WA and I'm out so far … sad world in my opinion …


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #166 on: January 19, 2022, 06:29:27 AM »
i loved the tracks my mate sent me, then i checked the whole discography and didnt know, but within 3 days I was thinking this is the best band ever.  i am a 25 year eclectic music publisher I would happily debate anyone that NMA is the best band ever.  I realise my opinion's weight isn't so heavy but I dont care.  I love everything NMA has created.

That is........ did you like them the first time you heard 'em?

For me, it definitely took a few listens.  There's a few bands that hit me right away and I can remember the exact moment I first heard them, where I was, what I was doing, the time of day etc.  But with these guys, it was being exposed to T&C over and over in College and it took some time.  Slowly they got to me...... and then it was all over.  Even with a new album from them it takes about a week.  I mean, I always like what I'm hearing but it's not an immediate "this is the greatest new album I've ever heard!!" kinda thing.  It needs to sink in but after a few days, I can't stop listening to it.  But that's what happens with a lot of my favorite bands and albums, at least the ones that stay with you forever.  The more you listen, the more it touches you and that's the sign of a GREAT album (or band). 

I've made a few compilations for friends and it seems the ones that have played the CD's a number times always like the band more than the ones that have only heard it once or twice.

I'm curious to hear if it was that way with you?  Was it immediate or did it take a few listens?


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Re: Was NMA an "immediate" band for you?
« Reply #167 on: May 01, 2022, 11:26:14 PM »
In 1995 I was on exchange to Westminster College in Oxford.  I went looking for music,  the folks I hooked up with introduced me to 4 of my favorite bands - Ozrics, The Levellers, Fields of the Nephilim, and New Model Army.   

I have these memories of walking the paths between Botley and Westminster in the dark English rain trying to get back to my bed; more than several pints/spliffs in, and being inspired by the words and voice of Justin Sullivan.  I have been a huge fan since.  My favorite lyric writer to this day.   Ive seen them on every US tour since and traveled several times to the UK to see them.   

In 2009 I suffered a traumatic brain injury while racing my road bike.  I was still in full recovery mode and trying to remember who I was,  my girlfriend/ now wife took me to see NMA in Indianapolis IN where we were living.   Justin spent some time talking with me, i have a picture, it's one of my favorites.   

I will always love this band

New Jersey