In 1995 I was on exchange to Westminster College in Oxford. I went looking for music, the folks I hooked up with introduced me to 4 of my favorite bands - Ozrics, The Levellers, Fields of the Nephilim, and New Model Army.
I have these memories of walking the paths between Botley and Westminster in the dark English rain trying to get back to my bed; more than several pints/spliffs in, and being inspired by the words and voice of Justin Sullivan. I have been a huge fan since. My favorite lyric writer to this day. Ive seen them on every US tour since and traveled several times to the UK to see them.
In 2009 I suffered a traumatic brain injury while racing my road bike. I was still in full recovery mode and trying to remember who I was, my girlfriend/ now wife took me to see NMA in Indianapolis IN where we were living. Justin spent some time talking with me, i have a picture, it's one of my favorites.
I will always love this band
New Jersey