The first time I heard them was problaby 85, wasn't overly impressed. I was uber Thrash metal, hardcore n vrossover kid at that point and Justin's guitar didn't nail me to the foor like I was used to..... By 87 my then girlfreinds sister was really into them and had seen em 4 times in Bradford. The more I heard the more I liked. finally went to Gearges Hall September 87 and was hooked pretty much...... I had a couple of the ep's and tapes of Ghost n No rest........ within months I'd bought everything posdible via record fairs and independant shops. Then set about the weird, wired n wondeful next few years of gigs as often as possible.....
Had a lean period after Strange Brotherhood, and as above found 8 VERY weird to get into...... Liked Carnival much more, High more still and Today was instant. Possibly the best thing since Impurity to me.
I know Brotherhood gets a mixed response, but I knew half the songs or more before hand and really loved them......
The next one will, as Justin says every time, be very interesting and maybe the best yet.......
I still think Ghost, Thunder and Impurity are 3 of the best albums by anyone ever! But they;re all brilliant, just those 3 have more memories attatched I suppose.