Are there any (non NMA albums) you have re-discovered recently?
Hey there Ghosttrain, how have you been?

I'm not really listening to much aside from
JS' latest two albums "
From Here" and "
Surrounded". However, I've been itching and eyeballing like mad,
too many musical goodies that can spotted over here! Neil's got a shit load of great stuff coming or already out, music-wise. I really, like
really want to get the 50th anniversary edition of "
Harvest", but I can't afford it this year. It's one of my favourite albums of all time. I've been lucky enough to have seen Neil play live twice -- with
Crazy Horse -- and I
balled my eyes out both times, cried liked a fcukin' little girl, non-stop for
d-a-y-s. ugh! ugh! ugh!

Young is only one of two men who can effortlessly draw a steady stream, flood of tears out of me -- simply via their words and music. And Ghosttrain, I reckon you can probably suss out who the other gentleman is, that can manage to do just that also.
adore Neil's writing, playing, general persona. I
love it when it's just him, his harmonica, his guitar and or piano. However, I love him most of all when Neil's around / playing with the guys from
Crazy Horse. They've got some pretty serious musical chemistry goin' on there, them guys. Far more superior than, and beyond a sprinkling, dust of magic! Utterly mind-blowing, gifted, brilliant! Even still!!

The 50th anniversary edition of "
Harvest" is on my
wishlist. It's definitely the album I'll be playing come wintertime / the holidays. I own the original CD version
(can't stand vinyl, sorry vinyl lovers), but I don't want to miss out on this juiced-up, beefed-up CD+ reissue of the album. It's been rough these past few years financially and otherwise... still is I'm afraid and not just for me, but for most folk I know as well, if not everyone, everywhere.

Anyway, are you into reissues at all, Ghosttrain? Will you be looking to pick up the 50th anniversary edition of Neil Young's "
Harvest" album?