« Reply #11404 on: December 31, 2019, 07:06:14 AM »
Major RIDE 'fan' here. LOVE this tasty track! Musically speaking, it's slick 'n gritty, nice 'n dirty and I don't mean that in a salacious way though, I just can't describe it any better than that, at this point in time. The tune's got a pulse, great vibe, nice thick bite, firm grip 'n groove to it. And the guitars, ohhh, the guitars... are fcukin' amazing, especially when laid up against the purity of Andy Bell's beautifully hushed, tender, soft, sweet, gorgeous vocal. Am absolutely mental for that kind of play, juxtaposition - contradiction and contrast - the play on and of opposites... HARD / soft, LOUD / quiet, STOP / start, RISE / fall, ASCEND / descend, and so forth.
People, musicians, all too often over-look and underestimate the incredible power, potency that opposing characteristics effortlessly and naturally possess. Contrast makes for some seriously hot magical moments when utilised effectively, when properly applied to / within any of the arts - in this case, implemented into a song, used in a musical way - in musical terms - the realm of music. Opposites really DO attract! They meld, fuse, work SO closely and incredibly well together, in music especially. They bounce off one another, feed off one another, fit like a glove, complement one another, are essentially made for each other. And that's exactly where the 'white-light', 'white-heat', mind-blowing blinding thrills kick in - where sparks are born, take hold of us, ignite 'n soar - knock us senseless, stupefy, but in an intensely powerful, intuitive, highly rewarding, simultaneously mind-body-soul-penetrating / shifting, thoroughly invigorating, rejuvenating kind of way. It's THE secret ingedient that makes the recipe, turns it into an ultimate feast for the senses, really and truly.
I believe that that, is where the nectar / juice is really at. Opposites and contrast... remember them, especially if you live and breathe for the any of the arts, contribute via creative endeavours, to any of the artistic realms. Truth laid bare, the keys to the kingdom, right there folks, right there.

'Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward,
for there you have been and there you will always long to return.'
'Just as courage imperils life,
fear protects it.'
⁂ Da Vinci ⁂