The show was really great, but I'm a little ashamed, two people above are speaking about what the "crowd" said, the respect thing and the tourist but nice place, and it was twice me

The thing is that Justin manage, when he speak in between songs, to makes you feel like if you were in your own living room just speaking with a friend ... so next time I will try to not "show off" like that, sorry

So the beautiful place is not in Paris, it's in Normandie, and it's called Etretat. it's very well known in France because of a rock there, that have the reputation to be hollow, and it is were a very famous and very old french novel took place, "Arsene Lupin et l'aiguille creuse" (wikipedia link in english
Vanity was just ... can't find words, already my favorite song, and yesterday was my favorite performance of it, another imperial day, no music version, makes me chill every time, and Before I get Old was just the most amazing version I could imagine