Author Topic: New Interview with Justin (in german!!!)  (Read 1495 times)


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Re: New Interview with Justin (in german!!!)
« Reply #1 on: March 05, 2012, 10:04:23 PM »
Google translator is getting better these days!


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Re: New Interview with Justin (in german!!!)
« Reply #2 on: March 07, 2012, 08:32:52 PM »
Cheers for posting, Marco.
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Re: New Interview with Justin (in german!!!)
« Reply #3 on: March 07, 2012, 09:36:07 PM »
Google translator is getting better these days!
Well, Bing's is s41t3! Horny Christmas?!

In the context of their acoustic tour, Justin Sullivan & Dean white Solemnis at the 16.02.2012 in the engine House to Prenzlberg. The shiny launched, Sullivan took time for an interview beforehand with Ingo and Mathias for musical instinct. There was plenty to discuss: a burnt out Studio, an increased from (former) band member, but a question was particularly interested the two interviewers: Justin, you and surf, how is this actually?

"It is time to do something new"

Ingo: Hi Justin and thank you for taking you time for an interview. The concert this evening in the powerhouse would have actually - like also this interview - take place in November should. Since then, but have postponed the tour, burned down the Studio of new model army and Nelson (former bassist of NMA, note note) left the band. Since we must simply ask: how are you?

Justin: Good, really. The thing with the shift of the tour, that was just a private matter that I myself had to worry about. I have had never moved tour dates, but it had to be this time.

And the thing with fire, well quite honestly, was naturally horny Christmas. I got a call on Christmas Eve and someone told me "Your Studio Burns!" Then am I over and habs looked at together with the homeowner, saw the flames and the firefighters and thought me simply just "Oh, my God!". The thing is only: obviously we could not go inside, and so my thoughts on Christmas turned only to the question, what, because everything in it was actually in the Studio. On the second day, we could always still not purely and again I was wondering the proposed day lang: what was there actually again everything in it? As we could then finally into the Studio it looked first times, as if everything in it was destroyed. It turned out, however, that is a large part of our tour equipment still in order. The cases were out all but the content still intact. Especially when the guitars, it was really amazing, the cases were completely melted and you had to break it with a hammer, but the guitars were tuned fully in order and sometimes even more! My own four favorite guitars have survived the fire - so I can not say now really, I was the unluckiest man in the world (smiles). It has survived even my bag with song lyrics. There's loose sheet with texts from over twenty years were it writing and I assumed were all away. But they did not. Of course, they were completely wet, but much of it has survived. Apart from the fact I'm in material things, I am also not just sentimental, no one was hurt. Many old tapes were destroyed - what I find great, so I must listen to not been it.

Mathias: And what about Nelson?

Justin: In Nelson, the thing is that that we last knew his withdrawal since October, so has been around for a while. He then told us that he happy is Christmas with the status quo, that he like to do things for the band, he would be gone but no longer than a month from home. In other words, to record a new album and to be here all the time in Bradford, or to go on tour is simply no longer possible for him in the future. He has given us plenty of time to find a successor, but we have started not really until today. Then we thought at once: now we need to get started with the search but times! Best it appeared to us then, to make the whole thing once public, because first we must let people know, that new model army is looking for a new bass player. Separating expired very relaxed and friendly from both sides, he makes really only for family reasons, it is matter of his parents, who are already quite old and he lives away more than 300 miles from Bradford. And if we find nobody new, then he jumps times spontaneously for a concert.

Ingo: You seem to be very relaxed. And we already thought you both could focus you probably not on your acoustic tour.

Justin: Well in all honesty: How correctly I can concentrate also not. Da go just so many things through my head. But I am not concerned, it is simply very many things with which we must deal, what you must be thinking. You know, there once was a time, as we had a Manager - and that is just the thing! 2009 we tried it once with someone, the the place of Tommy (Tommy tee, longtime manager of NMA, 2008 died, note note) took, but it doesn't really work. So we have separated after a few months, and we since then even manage it just goes so well. It is simply the case that NMA is like a family and if since someone from outside comes and wants to manage the whole thing, it's almost impossible. We met each other just so long. DAZ, our tour manager makes a lot now, Dean makes much of the Web page, Michael and I bring a us also. And then there is still our own record label, there's any lot to do.

Mathias: Is the tour for you because as a kind of therapy?

Justin: The problem is not the tours, which is always great and almost like a therapy. The letter was the problem in recent years. Because to write texts and songs, you need the other half of the brain, and in men it is indeed now times so that they at once not get out two things. Women can multitask, I can't really. I can commute back and forth between the things. To go up in the music, me to lose, the a brain must stop first two or three days to work. If I must make a decision in management affairs so times spontaneously, I have once again lost my feeling for the music. In January, we wanted to actually write and compose, but then the Studio fire came between us.

Ingo: Looking after a new bassist, and for a Manager?

Justin: No, we don't. That does not bring it, it takes far too long to say what he has to do it. So it is probably only once so that we must manage ourselves. But clearly we need to us looking for a new bass player and finally write the new album.

Ingo: There's already a specific timetable?

Justin: No, actually we wanted to do this last year. But it will happen. It makes unhappy, Michael and me something when we can be not creative. We will try with regard to the new album, to go as new way.

Ingo: Compared with what we have heard so far from you?

Justin: Yes. The last three albums were all albums that sounded, as you would have blocked a band in a room. Especially in the last two, high and today is A good day, where Marshall was involved. These are rock albums. And really, they sound like "Here is a band in a room and plays." Especially today recorded live is A good day for the most part, we used hardly any overdubs and recorded the entire album in one week. At high, it was similar. But, we did just now and I would not repeat that. I think it is time to do something new.

Ingo: You want to go new ways and is looking for a bass player at the same time. How does this somebody be? What must he can?

Justin: No idea. We will know that when he comes in the door. Marshall was no different. When he came in I immediately thought that this looks promising. When he then began to play the guitar, because I knew after two minutes: it is the right thing. Chemistry has just voted and this was due to his way of playing the guitar, yet not even so much. His guitar playing sounds not so much looking for new model army. He plays kantiger than its predecessors, but he has that certain something.

Ingo: So can you apply now with you?

Justin: Na clear. He must of course technically damn good, our bassist were always. He must master the other instruments, but most musicians do that eh. And it must feel so, that he fit a person well in our family.

Ingo: You once said that there is no political power struggles within the band. Must that maintain necessarily also in the new cast?

Justin: Yes, in recent years this was so, especially since Marshall to is jettisoned. This was balanced. Everybody thinks, just because I've created the band with in, and I write the most stuff, new model army "my band", and what I want is, would also happen. But it is not so really. It is only in the consensus and most of the time, the band member takes hold, that feels just the fittest. Sometimes but not often me. Nelson was very interesting in the way, because he almost always said "Oh, just as you like it.", but then there are sometimes situations where he with said full fervor "It must be so!" and we have added then equally small. Each of us has this kind of "Power" within the band. But especially since Marshall in the band, there is no fixed Pact or so. Any contracts with one and vice versa. That was very balanced between us five. Also, it should be so. Of course, argue and debate we sometimes, but thats ok, a band that no longer quarrels, which is everything no matter. And it doesn't not matter to us. In rare cases, it gets too uncomfortable but really not often. And it is never personal, disputes turn always to the music.

Mathias: As we researched on the Internet, we could find no set list of this acoustic tour. So we ask ourselves: what awaits the audience?

Justin: I think you have more joy in concert, if you let surprise you. It is boring but if you know what to expect one.

Mathias: And how does the tour?

Justin: It's fun, everything runs fine. Today, I am particularly happy because the gig last night was very good. I like what we do, because it is creative in its own way. Before the tour we had to find out once for each song, how we as a couple get to the series. Sometimes the result very far from new model army is away. What I also like is that we sometimes can slide in between a song during the concert. When a new model army gig we have a set list and that we download rattle. It wants to push a song in between times because one has the feeling that fits just fine, so you can communicate difficult quickly enough that the other members, especially since it is very noisy. But me and Dean, it is the case that we change the set list in half of the concerts during the gigs. Here it is easy to say: "Let us rather play the song or let other play him". Moreover, we are only to third and my car on the road, we can easily organise themselves.

Mathias: You play now to once again at the boiler house and now the engine House. Is it a special place for you? We can still remember how the audience here times not wanted to let go you.

Justin: Was here? I thought that was in the Huxley's. This is already real funny in Berlin. That has happened but also in other cities, but here's really surprisingly has hit us. We are working with the band (in the boiler house, note note) played twice, think I, and there were really good concerts. The last time I came here up in the engine House and thought to myself that this is a really good place for a concert, if somewhat strange, because the stage is almost as big as the area to the public. People there are probably somewhat squashed.

Ingo: Why are you both in this constellation on tour?

Justin: Hm, good question. Because it is creative. We have given a few shows together and then we thought, that that has worked well. Somehow, we have doing a good feeling even if we want to do that not too often. The tour was not boring me personally until today, in contrast to most other musicians, who whine after 30 years: "Oh, the tours, oh, always the same hotels, oh, always the same airports"-I love this! Still! So I thought to myself once, that I, Dean and DAZ actually could tours from 1 January to 31 December, especially as it is so cheap that we can go anywhere. With new model army, this is even more difficult, because they must pay a whole bunch of people, which makes the thing complicated. With this show, however, you can go anywhere at any time. But: We were on the road so far never more than a month at a time, otherwise it would benefit from that anyway.

Ingo: Had you already have the opportunity to sit at night in the highway service area, drinking coffee and smoking cigarettes (as in tales of the road Sung)?

Justin: NAW, I smoke anymore. It is there so no longer allowed. Actually, I'm still smoking, but at the moment I have used off it me. I like smoking, it tastes good and fun. But, you feel this sick and out of breath and I hate that. Thus I listen to it again and again, then again to start it. But it's my only addiction, I've never had many. I must also say in the highway service area, it is more fun if we with NMA or red sky coven tours, because there simply are more people involved. In addition, we spend with sky coven red so little time with each other, that the tour is always something special. Just Rev (Rev hammer, note note) I see often and with him and Joolz together it's always great. We must do that again soon.

Mathias: What has always been interests us hits such as green and grey, 51st state or vagabonds, you play that actually, because you like the songs itself still so much, or because the audience expects these songs of you?

Justin: Actually, it is so that we do not always play. At the anniversary shows the thirty-year anniversary already, after all was the celebration of the 30. We have about ten great songs that all people want to hear and we know we have to play about three or four of them.

Ingo: Also sometimes none of them plays her?

Justin: Already in the England tour last October. It is ok if we sometimes not play it. Provided that we play them next time again. Because we have but not the a big hit - which must be terrible by the way, if you have only a big hit and nothing else - there is also no song we really always play. We play not always green and grey, for example we played for years not 51st state, etc. vagabonds, until Marshall came and said "I can do that".

Mathias: When does her thing far better than time?

Justin: Never.

Mathias: Why?

Justin: I know not so right. The problem is probably that I the last band member from the am, where the song originated. Even if it for me interesting is, to engage me in the old songs. But it is now so that always the songs are most interesting, in which the own creativity drinsteckt. So when I say "some of the ghost of Cain album Let us play.", then the others say "we do OK," but they not really want that because there drinsteckt not their own creativity. I understand that.

Mathias: You sit here together with two absolute sea lovers.

Justin: (interrupts) Very good. And you know what: yesterday evening, someone came to me and said: "I am really happy that you played political songs, but also songs of the sea". I said "Happy me, that it did you like." But then a woman came to me and said: "you have lost your sense of politics?" Why do you so many songs about the sea? "Horrible!" Apparently, the tastes are different (laughs).

Mathias: Do you surf for still?

Justin: Rare. Frankly, I'm a really bad surfer. When I surf again was I figured every time, when I fell from the Board that the super feels. The only thing that really instills fear here, is the fact that you don't know whether the damn Board on the head suggests a. So I thought to myself: forget the surf board! Let the surfboard on land, let the wetsuit ashore, go out and swim at the point where the large waves break and let them blaring down you. Now I like better, it is really good.

Mathias: Where is your favorite spot?

Justin: Cornwall. The North coast there.

Mathias: Pretty cold, or?

Justin: Well, last March I committed the error, without purely wetsuit. It was saukalt! But in the summer it keeps already half an hour in the water. Are you a good surfer?

Mathias: Nope, but I am passionate about.

Justin: I understand well. Well, anyway, I'm happy in the or by the sea. In the early 1990s before strange Brotherhood (NMA album of 1996, note note), thought about Joolz and I - at the time I had some money - whether we might together draw to the sea and there you want to buy a House. We thought we both love the sea, so let us do it. But there were two things that held us: first we had not really enough money (and after strange brotherhood, we had never much money). The other is that people in the countryside while nice people are but just also very rural and partly also racist. I know still like me Robert (Robert Heaton, former drummer of NMA, note, note) once told that he has found a home on the land for themselves. In front of the House there was a pub and Robert liked to go in the pub drinking one. So he went in and he thought "Super, exactly what I want!". He began itself to converse with the locals and they asked him where he comes from. So he said, "I live in Bradford" and they answered him: "Oh, this is where the whole damn Pakistanis are." And he thought only: here I want to live! And there's anything else: I know a lot of musicians who earn good money and are bought their dream home in the country, or to the sea, and usually with a recording studio is. And from there they stopped simply. They had what they wanted. However, music is created by request and nothing else. All think I have produced my solo album while I've crossed the Atlantic at that time. Oh no! I made this album over the sea in Bradford, where I longed to the sea me. It is the desire and the desire, which give rise to the music. And it is really so that people who have gotten what they wanted, more have no desire in itself. But somewhere to be, where it is beautiful, the desire will put you to work. I love browsing and I love the sea, but nothing gives me so much satisfaction to produce like something.

Ingo: Music to produce?

Justin: Yes. To deliver a good gig or a song to write - nothing gives me more satisfaction.

Clever monkeys with technology, barely outta the caves and trees, it's all vanity - and ch@os rules it all!


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Re: New Interview with Justin (in german!!!)
« Reply #4 on: March 07, 2012, 09:46:20 PM »
Thank you very much for sharing this  :)
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