The kindness of strangers, was going to the bookies to donate my annual fiver and just outside a old lady had fallen though i didn't see the incident, nothing serious looking anyway a few people had came to her rescue and were offering to run her home etc . Always good to see kind decent people in this world
I agree... with reference to the 'my Mum having a fall' thing that I posted a few days ago... I only got the full story today. Apparently, she had the fall, my stepdad put her down on a nearby bench and went to get her a bottle of water from a nearby shop, then got back to find out she'd collapsed face down on the pavement...

There was a circle of people around her, some young track-suited lad (who my stepdad said 'looked a bit rough'... don't be unpleasant, he's a suspicious fella at the best of times!) was calling an ambulance, some Asian lady was holding her hand and being reassuring, and a paramedic was there within five minutes. Someone even watched her handbag and passed it back to her because 'didn't want to see you get it nicked, luv...'
I might be a bit cynical, but those 'people' things... they can be pretty decent sometimes, eh?