OK, for all these folks who think that The Dreaded Facebook is an evil somewhere between 'fascism' and 'people who ride their bikes at high speed on the pavement with scant regard for pedestrians' (both parties, I will add, have their own place in Hell)...
Got a friend request today... I never get friend requests, my FB circle of chums is very select! And it was from an old friend from the 90's who I genuinely believed was dead. We were very involved in the local band circuit back then and we always got along pretty well, even (briefly) dated for a bit. And then she moved away. And the next time I saw her was about five years later, ran into her in my town when she was visiting her parents and, damn, she looked awful. Apparently she was battling eating disorders and drug abuse and, shit, she looked like she had one foot in the grave. A gorgeous girl now looking like a skeleton, brown teeth, huge bags under her eyes, thick glasses because her eyesight was failing.

After that, nothing, none of our mutual friends heard anything from her and someone, one day, heard a rumour that she had died and I just took it as read. Bear in mind that is from days when social media wasn't so prevalent that you couldn't find anyone, anywhere...

So 'what made me happy' today was to get back in touch with her and hear that she's happy and healthy, she got over her problems and has a nice life nowadays.
See? Social media has some upsides!