Finised painting my kitchen at last !
It took me all week to do it, well to do the ceilings (twice), all the cutting in (twice) and emulsion the walls (twice and 3 times in places).
Wow, I'm impressed!!!There is so much stuff I should do in the house...and I never seem to get round to doing it, same as with most of the garden work. One day...
But the reason I don't get round to doing it is also a reason for me to be happy - so I guess it's somehow alright?
As of February, the number of dogs in the house has risen to 5...

No. 5 movd in as a foster dog, young guy with a really bad hip who needed a place to have and then recover from surgery. Well - he turned out to be such a charmer that we ended up adopting him...and it turned out that, while his hips ARE messed up, surgery wouldn't really be good at this point for a dog his size - and he is fine, it seems, doesn't need pain meds, we go for walks to build up muscles, he plays with the other dog his age and all that seems to be doing the trick. And he really is such a loveable makes me so happy just to have all of them around and to know they are, at least at this point in time, happy and healthy.
And then there's the 4 rabbits and 6 guinea pigs...ahem...also happy and healthy - full house, lots of work, lots of dirt, little money - but also lots of love.