what a blast! i had worked for ten days in a row, and on my first day off the door bell rang in the morning and i got my delivery of "suspiria".
what a good start! so i wandered around, went shopping, cleaned a little bit my flat, a little bit and just waited for the sun to go down, to watch suspiria in the evening. i could have made my place dark, but that isn't the same. you have to watch suspiria in the evening or at night.
and the work they have done in preserving and restoring that movie is so impressive and marvellous. every image is so clean and vibrant and steady and the colours are fantastic. argento and his dop were determined to get the colours bright and heavy and they used a special film stock and a different colouring process than usual, technicolor dye transfer process instead of eastman process.
there's a very informative booklette about this restoration work and a 1hour documentary about it, with comparisons of the old original frames and all the problems that they had. the biggest one, that no intact master copy of the movie was found and they had to use different reels of different generations.
then there was the problem with the sound, also a long story, they couldn't get a copy on magnet audio tracks but then found a good mix made in the 80s for a laserdisc release. and the sound is so good now in stereo!
i'm thrilled to have seen such a masterpiece of filmmaking and at the same time such dedication of people who worked so hard to preserve that movie.