So, you guys seem asleep while i did watch some stuff;-)
I just took another look on:
Lifeforce by Tobe Hooper.
Well...since you're genre lovers and into this stuff you know what its about. It did grow old a bit, the effects were still superb and better than some of the digital crap nowadays, we don't have to talk about the plot it is like it is, but the characters....i don't feel that hooper is a good character director. all the peole are so flat and define themselves by the clothing they wear, but no charachter. still, a very good watch on blu.
Lord of Illusions by Clive Barker
There is some very good stuff in here and i cannot remember the original theater-version, this was the director's cut. But again, it didn't work as in those days. It's gory, it's disturbing, it's full of imagination and wonderful set pieces, but they do not produce more than sentimentality and wishing that the studios wouldn't interfere so much with their products and let the artists free.