Recently I had a good re-watch of:
The Film has three storys by Lovecraft directed by three directors, imbedded in a simple frame-story of Lovecraft himself trying to obtain the Necronomicon.
I found the film to be highly entertaining, it kind of changes from superb to cheesy to bad to atmospheric and has some great tentacle-rubber-glibber effects old school style.
I was searching for that one for a long time and found this very good french edition blu ray, which has a nice booklet about christophe gans for a very good price.
Another strange one i saw was:
This one is from 1972, is beautifully filmed and well acted, but the story and suspense elements are ridiculous. I had some good laughs and totally wondered how this movie was perceived in the 70's. It's kind of about catching a ghost and in those scenes, which would be the scary ones with meeting the monster in horror films, they point a lightbeam at it and try to move the beam to a cage to capture the ghost.
You have to see to believe! ;-) I cannot imagine that this topic and how they filmed it could scare anyone in the 70's, but the theme of death and immortality must have been way more tabu and seen differently in those time, while we are sourrounded by it and got numb.
I totally recommend this one, if you can take it!
And here we have an absolute hidden pearl of 80's cinema, a friend told me about it i had never heard of it before:
This one is a masterpiece. It is a low-budget production but looks like a blockbuster. Very well filmed, beautiful sets and situation, the direction is superb, the actors all are outstanding and the story is great!
This is an End of Days movie and i highly recommend that one!!