gaz brookfield at a cellar in Manchester, poor turn out , but he absolutely stormed it. He is free tonight in Derby, and then for all Wiltshire / somerset family he is on at the Griffin in From on Saturday night
Isn't it annoying when a cracking good artist gets a poor turnout? I remember, some years back, seeing a certain Mr Sullivan (on one of his JSAF tours) play a respected venue that was literally just down the road from me. A 500 capacity venue and I think that 50 people (maybe) showed up. I was embarrassed, frankly. Great show, though...
Back to the original point, looks like Fish at the Bilston Robin 2 is gonna be the next one for me (after NMA in Warrington)... I know NMA have played there a couple of times, looks like I'm gonna need to stay in Wolverhampton or get the late train home if I can get back in time, anyone got advice on this one?