Seeing 'em tomorrow in Manchester... utter shite?
What's your verdict, Ray?
Fookin' loved it! Cracker of a set, including some of those elusive unreleased numbers...Jeez, just release these songs already, they're all on bloody Youtube, might as well make some cash out of it, I want to hear properly recorded versions!
Love the way Eldritch deal with the whole 'getting old / don't want anyone to notice' thing. A - flood not only the stage but the whole place with dry ice to the point where you're thinking you're in some kind of cold sauna. B - Aim a blinding light show right into the audiences eyes... I swear, there were times where I was thinking 'shit, is there anyone actually on stage right now?'

As to being 'shite'... yes, I admit, in places they were. It took me a minute to realise that they were playing 'Vision Thing' and that's the title track from one of my favourite albums!
But it was a great gig in a great venue. It was also nice to go around to The Thirsty Scholar, a couple of minuts away, to find a great Northern Soul night going on! Don't mind if I do...

Still love the Sisters...