Author Topic: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!  (Read 12188 times)


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #30 on: September 22, 2013, 12:51:27 PM »
I've listened to it 5 or 6 times now and it's growing and growing into an absolute treasure......I love the fact that the band keeps moving forward and doing what they want to do, rather than simply setting out to create something they know their fans will love. It's good to see NMA continue to live outside their comfort zone.

It's shaping up to be a masterpiece.
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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #31 on: September 22, 2013, 01:09:51 PM »
Listened to it over and over, and must say I love it. A great cd to listen to with headphones on and whisky in hand. It is different but then again that's not a bad thing. Some of the criticisms seem harsh to the point of 'toys out of pram' if you don't like it, fine, but I find it hard to see the point of questioning the song writing etc.

I never play Carnival, but that's just my taste, doesn't mean its crap.

The band are obviously proud of it, positive reviews across the board, shed load of gigs arriving, magazine on the shelves. Not many bands with this history can say all that, and produce an album of this diversity. Not many bands get reviewed in Classic Rock and Rock Sounds at the same time, (apart from AlterBridge!), so top effort for the publicity machine as well.

Many of these tracks could work as the Justin / Dean acoustic sets? Well done all involved, and yes, one of my booklet pages is torn but hey ho, still amazing artwork and a great package. Right, back to it again..
Today is a good day, however, yesterday was s.... The older I get the better I was.


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #32 on: September 22, 2013, 01:16:11 PM »
Listened to it over and over, and must say I love it. A great cd to listen to with headphones on and whisky in hand.

I listened to it with headphones on yesterday and today I've listened to it loud through my B&W's with a REL Sub banging out the drums and Ceri's Bass and it's a totally different listen ! The drum lines are becoming almost intoxicating !

This CD is growing on me rapidly!
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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #33 on: September 22, 2013, 01:27:12 PM »

favourite track so far "Pull The Sun".

be interesting to see how the dyed in the wool punks take to it, especially live. This IS a punk record.

Completely agree with the sentiment of "Tomorrow Came" too. Sums up perfectly what more and more are beginning to feel.


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #34 on: September 22, 2013, 01:30:14 PM »
Having just finished listening to the album for the first time, I can't help feeling quite a bit disappointed. It feels like I was waiting for something to start, for any kind of connection to the music I was listening to, but unfortunately nothing happened. This doesn't mean that the album is bad, just that it lacks something exciting to pull me in.
I do like the drumming. Some passages reminded me of Red Earth, but perhaps that's exactly where the feeling of "something is missing" comes from. That song built up a kind of dynamic that I instantly loved.

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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #35 on: September 22, 2013, 02:50:10 PM »
Good album, I'll give it 6/10
best album since Love of Hopeless Causes??? debatable.
I really like the drums on the album
favourites so far are March in September, Seven Times, Lean Back and Fall and Tomorrow Came
I guess after hearing March in September and reading about the people involved in the production I was perhaps hoping for a few more rocking numbers.
It is definitely a grower and maybe when I hear the songs played live I will start liking a few more.


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #36 on: September 22, 2013, 03:27:38 PM »
On about 5th listen now and love it even more every single time, it is already comfortably ensconced in the top 3 and heading possibly for the very top!

What is interesting is the split out of this admittedly small number of reviews, it seems as my 3 fave albums before this are Strange Brotherhood, Carnival and High that it should be more up my street.

Always moving on and always challenging the listener, NMA have been doing this for over 30 years now, lets hope it continues for many more.


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #37 on: September 22, 2013, 03:46:01 PM »

Totally respect your opinion but I think the album is wonderful, ok I have only listened about 5 times now and yes its different but I am glad its different, NMA have always diversified to some extent and are a better band for it. Maybe it will grow in time for you Jack??

Don't get me wrong, I don't suddenly hate the band or anything like that - I just can't get my head (or heart, come to think about it) around this new album.  I'm obviously in the minority here, but that's okay.  I don't begrudge NMA making BDAW, as you have to make the music that's in your heart at the time, and be true to yourself rather than just knock out another album in the image of your best-selling previous ones.

I've tried it again today and am still very underwhelmed by it.  I can't see it growing on me much as I can't think of a circumstance where I'd want to listen to it, so I probably won't play it very often at all.


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #38 on: September 22, 2013, 04:03:22 PM »

Totally respect your opinion but I think the album is wonderful, ok I have only listened about 5 times now and yes its different but I am glad its different, NMA have always diversified to some extent and are a better band for it. Maybe it will grow in time for you Jack??

Don't get me wrong, I don't suddenly hate the band or anything like that - I just can't get my head (or heart, come to think about it) around this new album.  I'm obviously in the minority here, but that's okay.  I don't begrudge NMA making BDAW, as you have to make the music that's in your heart at the time, and be true to yourself rather than just knock out another album in the image of your best-selling previous ones.

I've tried it again today and am still very underwhelmed by it.  I can't see it growing on me much as I can't think of a circumstance where I'd want to listen to it, so I probably won't play it very often at all.

Strange isn't it? We all love the band yet we all have our own likes and tastes. I for one never got on too well with Carnival yet some have it as their fav? I have listened to BDAW through headphones and the album comes alive so that might be worth a try! Keep the faith!


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #39 on: September 22, 2013, 04:46:50 PM »
I've wait for this album long time - so much different from others LP - but sounds very good.
Between Dog and Wolf and Quasr El Nil Bridge are masterpiece songs. I hope NMA will play this songs in Warsaw Gig :) And dont play Horseman please...its worst song on this Album

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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #40 on: September 22, 2013, 04:55:36 PM »
first time i played it I really enjoyed the first 3 songs then I kinda drifted away from listening if that makes sense.
I have listened to it a good few more times and i found that if i played it in random order each time different tracks stood out. Also, at first i thought the Knievel song had a very strange subject matter, but I am coming around to it as I now think the chorus is about more than just Knievel, I think this album is a grower due to most of them telling a very well described story and the more you listen to the songs the more you will understand the story. What makes this standout from any other NMA album is/are the backing vocals, thought i was listening to the Bee Gees at one point  ;D This might not make sense but i think the understated guitar from Marshall shows he knows how & when to play.


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #41 on: September 22, 2013, 06:00:04 PM »
listened to BDAW a lot the past 2 days - now Carnival on typing my review
BDAW needs some time to grow and it`s worth - I love it more and more

Horsemen, March In September, Seven Times -easy to get in

Then it starts - the ghosts of the past - never do a song twice - and yes, it`s a new song, no cover - but beginning with the start of
Did You Make It Safe reminds me of?
As if some snips left writing an older song, can do it much better and now here is ...
I Need More Time - I`m a fan of Archway Towers - perfect
Pull The Sun - will it be played live moren often than Sooner Or Later? Hope so - And me, I`ve got a black place in my heart, my favourite chord, my favourite card that I draw every time on these occasions - goosebumps
Lean Back And Fall - `til now Peakariri Beach was the only song I can`t into, LBAF could be the next one
Knievel - the beginning (sound, not lyrics) reminds me of ?
BDAW - fine, but this foggy Blue Beat feeling
Qasrle Nil Bridge - perfect
Tommorow Came - but this fuggy ghost of Fireworks
Summer Moors  and Ghosts - ok, but NMA live?

I love the album and will listen it for the next days `til the tour starts and waiting for the live versions and very interested, how they will work and grow

And me, I`ve got a black place in my heart
Still got this hole in me
Perhaps - I am the master of nothing?

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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #42 on: September 22, 2013, 06:05:23 PM »
Can I just say that the comments I'm reading make me so bloody proud to be part of this forum?

I'm active on a lot of forums (mostly movie-related... I'm a huge film geek) and, quite often, if you say something that doesn't agree with someone elses view, you're likely to get a torrent of f-bombs and c-words and possibly dispariging comments about your mother...

Here, everyone respects everyone elses viewpoint and comes back with a calm, reasonable response.   ;)

With that in mind, and despite your varying opinions, I hope you'll all still be coming to the November dates because even if you don't like a song in its recorded version, sometimes they truly come to life when put on a stage.  Example... I wasn't all that keen on 'Mambo Queen...' when I heard it on the CD, but on the TIAGD tour, it blew me away.

Anyway, I raise an Internet glass, full of whatever your favourite tipple is, to all you fellow Forum-ites!


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #43 on: September 22, 2013, 06:16:04 PM »
I agree. Glad those who don't like it, or still feel unsure should feel free to say so.

All I would want to stress to them is give it time. I have played albums in the past, hated them, then tried them again in the future, and eventually you start to get it. Its the sign of a good album. Those are the types of albums you eventually rate as the best.

Charty pop music is designed to be catchy and simple, and you get that stuff straight away.

I don't think you can really  review this album properly for a week or two after several listens
« Last Edit: September 23, 2013, 10:35:45 AM by Shush »


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Re: "Between dog and wolf": your reviews!
« Reply #44 on: September 22, 2013, 07:23:28 PM »
Can I just say that the comments I'm reading make me so bloody proud to be part of this forum?

Anyway, I raise an Internet glass, full of whatever your favourite tipple is, to all you fellow Forum-ites!

Right back at ya !

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