These kinds of NMA-related threads are absolute torture for me, really!

Hard as I try, I can never pick just one release as
the best, or
the one
blah, blah, blah. Super crazy about them
all. nervous lol, so much so that I have proper legit back-up copies of ALL of them, well, except "Eight". You know just in case I lend them out or wear them down, I need a back-up or two, or three, or five!
embarrassed soft lol, yes I am a fcuked up individual.... no need to question or ask, it's a given! 
Beginning with, and in the order that they were made and delivered unto us, "
Carnival" (2005), "
High" (2007), "
Today Is a Good Day" (2009), "
Between Dog and Wolf" (2013), "
Between Wine and Blood" (2014), "
Winter" (2016), "
From Here" (2019) seem to all contain a running thread. A lot of the songs could be chapters in a book, snap-shots out of life, or even journal entries. But, it could honestly be that I'm just seeing, feeling, and hearing things that probably aren't even there in the first place...

which wouldn't be the first time either, but I just can't shake what I see, feel, hear... sorry.
xxxxxThe afore mentioned seven NMA albums,
plus the
US version of the
particularly, are
each releases that completely shook-up my world, and how I saw it, see it, move through it, interpret it. Thought I loved music, but these extremely special 8 NMA recordings have gone deeper into me than any one being could ever dream or hope to go. Never in the world did I think music could affect and move me to the degree and level that it has done so, via NMA/JS' works, but they did the unfathomable, impossible. NMA/JS managed to do what no other bands/artists have managed to do, achieve. They've gone where
no one else, will ever,
ever go. I'll
love, cherish and
treasure them
forever because of this gift / these gifts, this truth, enlightenment. Sacred stuff, and stuff of the 'GOD's', for sure. Never mind
magic, NMA/JS are SO
far past, gifted and above,
To me, NMA's release "
From Here" (2019) also feels and plays like the second part to Mr. Sullivan's masterful solo effort "
Navigating By The Stars" (2003). If ever there existed
A New Model Army album that was full-sibling, twin flame, companion, OR follow-up to JS' solo record, I'd say it's non other than NMA's most recent offering, "
From Here" (2019). Originally anticipating a different kind of NMA album, at first... but just a few song into "From Here", I began to see, feel and hear it, for the diamond that it truly is! There's definitely an unshakeable connection between the two magnificent albums, "
Navigating By The Stars" and "
From Here", which for me, initially, was a bit surprising, especially because
there is a 16-year or so, gap between the two releases. Highly recommend playing "
Navigating By The Stars"
and "
From Here" from start to finish, in the order that they were made, released. Go, see if the links, ties and similarities jump out at you too. Undeniably

There has
never been a better time to follow NMA/JS' work, as
right now. Just when I think NMA/JS can't
stun me any further, deeper, with each new full-length recording, they always floor me speechless, by doing just
that! One would think I would have learned that lesson by now, but nope.

NMA/JS have got IT, even
still, after
all these years!
And then some, I should add!! Love 'em...
love them!