Here's what I sent them......... If I get any response I'll share it of course.
I've watched Later... over the years, and the Hootenanny aswell...... There's been some astounding performances here n there n some stinkers (Lou Reed n Metallica? Dear god in heaven "I am the table!".... WTF was that?).......
Anyways, it seems to me, and alot of others, the one TRULY independant, in spirit, thought, deed, style you name it, on Britain's, and Europe's on the whole scene has never been invited on? They played the Tube and very successfully too, but NEVER Later? Seems odd......
Can you tell me why NEW MODEL ARMY have never been deemed worthy? 30 plus years of consistently thought provoking, articulate lyrics, set to some times brutal, sometimes tender, always heart felt musical back drop..........
Never less than stunning live, the concert dance floor (Pit to them on it), always alive and a thing unto itself..... A band so graced with a following of devoted, talented, thinkers around them, a film now made about their history, a new chart bothering lp, a genuine worldwide cult band. Truly ahead of the game by going it alone from Major Label influence when they left SONY rather than be forced into an ill fitting box, to suit the marketing needs of the label, and at the height (so it was said) of their own commercial success.......... But no space on Later...? Doesn't add up to me.......
They've consistently sold as many and more records than a number of "regulars" on the Later... roster too....... I'd be very interested to know if there's a reason?