Personally I do believe in vengeance and when the time comes to deal with it I will.
The reason I'm saying this because of something that happened to me at a scooter rally in July 2012
I manage a Lambretta scooter racing team in my spare time and we've been going 3 years.
When we started we had a young lad racing for us and in the first year he did okay but went downhill rapidly in the second year,he was given plenty of warnings and chances but young lads being young lads he though he knew better,so i got the team together and told him that he one more chance to get his act together and sort himself out as he was becoming a danger to himself and other riders on the track.
His last opportunity came and nothing changed so i told him that it was over and that was it.
fast forward a month or so and I'm at a national scooter rally in Lincoln and wake up on the Sunday morning to find my Lambretta vandalised, every panel sctratched and gouged.
Over 4000 people there and a couple of thousand scooters and mine was the only one touched.
He was there along with his club and family,I have no proof....yet but it looks as though his father and friend are the main culprit,there's a lot of circumstantial evidence but nothing concrete.
I had to get the scooter reprayed so got this on it

This is what happened to it!!!!

It may seem trivial to you but I've been into the scooter scene since 1984 and this thing shouldn't happen for whatever reason.
Friends on the scene and also people I've never met were so disgusted with this they set up a donations page to help me get the scooter resprayed etc and I received over £3500 in 2 weeks, which restored my faith in the human race.
So do I believe in vengeance?
yes I do