Author Topic: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?  (Read 5544 times)


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Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« on: October 18, 2013, 06:55:55 PM »
I'm not a musican myself, i don't know how to practice bass, guitar or drums, so i'm curious to read your thoughts if there are some musicians, guitar, bass players or drummers on this board...
according to you, which are the most impressive, complicated, difficult music bits to play in the whole NMA's discography?

Ceri is certainly great onstage aswell, but I always loved watching Nelson aswell. His playing is absolutely top of the range, Nelson's bass lines have a smooth, natural feel to them that makes the most technical passages seem obvious. It's very deceptive, trust me, Nelson is a master of his instrument and technically at least as good as Stuart's more raw visceral attack....... The last 3 albums have some truly outstanding bass lines on by anyone's standards. Ceri has some very big shoes to fill, BDAW is a fine start no question, but Carnival, High and Today Is A Good Day stand up in bass lines easily in my listening any ways as a player aswell as a fan..........

To my fan ears (and not musician ears ;)), some of the bass parts that seem impressive to me:

"Christian Militia"
"The Price"
"No rest"
"Stupid questions"
"White coats" (intro)
"Leeds road 3AM"
"Another imperial day"
"Island" (last part)
"Peace is only"
"Arm yourselves and run"
"North star"
"Seven times" (last part)
"I need more time"

« Last Edit: October 18, 2013, 07:10:12 PM by Guillaume »


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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #1 on: October 18, 2013, 07:04:52 PM »
Best --

Bass - Running in the rain
Drums - Sex, the black Angel
Electric Guitar - Southwest
Acoustic Guitar - Family Life

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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #2 on: October 18, 2013, 07:57:09 PM »
couldn't agree more about Nelsons playing

fav has to be island (but the albums you mentioned above are all as you said)

with that said though i do look forward to hearing what Ceri makes of an album where he can let lose as it where, nice parts to Seven Times.

No offence to Ceri but i will always wonder what Nelson would have done as he is a favourite musician of mine


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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #3 on: October 18, 2013, 10:09:43 PM »
I saw this thread earlier, and don't want to rush straight in with obvious answers..... Sometimes what seems a simple bass or guitar part has odd time signatures or changes out of the normal expected pattern which will make playing them awkward and easy to make a mistake. What would normally be a 4 bar repeating pattern will have a subtle change on the 3rd bar, or a strange out of time pause....... NMA have more often than not avoided standard 4 bar/12 bar passages it seems to me...... Unorthodox is a word often used.
Songs like Island, or Breathing have some lovely bass parts. I love stuff like KNIFE and Today Is A Good Day, real direct, attacking bass patterns. Get Me Out is a really easy one go at, suits my style of playing I thing anyways.......... A personal favourite of Nelson's tenure will always be Space. Not overly complicated, but subtle and clever tones make it work.
Moose played some really nice bass lines aswell, White Coats throbbing bass line works perfectly, stolen from a slot machine or not in mid section. I would have loved a go at The World, the bass on that is nice n aggressive.
Stuart's basslines are something else again as has been said a million times. No Rest obviously bass solo greatness, Ambition again is a no brainer as a stand out,Grandmother's Footsteps, Heroin, Great Expectaions is a great big northern soul bass line, very clipped and taut but the bassline is 3/4's of the song. Christian Militia is a punishing assault on the bass players left hand no doubts...... In truth the first 2 lp's would not sound anything like they do with any other bass player, same for Smalltown England..... Different game entirely..... Hats off to Moose for stepping in and in 5 weeks being on the road........ His contribution can't ever be played down for that alone......
Things like Rob's graceful sweeping intro to Green And Grey are not for for beginners, and I refuse to sully it with any attempt.
That said I taught myself Sleepwalking years ago and love that instrumental SO MUCH!!!!!! It was played to me on my guitar by the man who wrote it and is a memory I'll cherish til my dying day........
Justin's guitar, especially his finger picking his become something pretty special over the last 33 years, he says himself he's a song writer who surrounds himself with more capable players, be he's no slouch. Marrakesh is a perfect guitar/vocal ballad, as is Love Songs before it....... Kneivel sits in that frame aswell.......
Marshall is a force of nature........... I don't even NEED to say any more......
Dean's guitar playing on the Jez n Dean gigs is pretty impressive aswell..... He does some pretty interesting and dynamic things with the full electric sounds to make them work as a duo.
Dave always did solid stuff and his best playing for me, is probably on Carnival strangely enough.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2013, 03:43:39 PM by Stoney »
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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #4 on: October 18, 2013, 10:25:58 PM »
Stoney, when I saw this thread go up, I knew you would come up with a more insightful response than my little retort , what with you being a guitar twanger yourself. Good oh, keep em coming.  :)


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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #5 on: October 18, 2013, 10:36:22 PM »
Stoney, when I saw this thread go up, I knew you would come up with a more insightful response than my little retort , what with you being a guitar twanger yourself. Good oh, keep em coming.  :)
Cheers n beers to you mate. Like I say, I wasn't goin to run blindly in with "NO REST is the best thing since sliced bread....." or "Ceri's solo on seven Times runs rings round everyone ever..." ...... There's no right answer, but those two certainly aren't it....
Running In The Rain is not a huge NMA track really, but the bass on it is IMMENSE!!!!!!!!!! All raw, un-tutoured talent on Stuart's part. Nelson's playing is much more measured, but equally of the chart, just more cerebral and less visceral. But then Stuart was in his early twenties, his playing now would be totally different. I'd love to get him off the bench so to speak and do something, just to learn from him if nothing else....... It might happen yet, we aren't dead or crippled are we?
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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #6 on: October 18, 2013, 10:42:31 PM »
Yep, Running in the Rain, I can not think of any other song where the instrumental break is the base player doing his bit, then the echo, followed into guitar, Absolutely love that part of the song, its what make it  a fave for me.


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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #7 on: October 18, 2013, 10:54:07 PM »
Therre's a bunch of NMA songs with bass solo's, especially the Stuart era........ No Man's Land is another Highlight. The Great Expations bas line really is class.
I don't think he even realised how many things he was doing musically. Chromatically, Octaves, runs, discordant lines....... Palm muting and the Sex (the Black Angel) trick on n on on.........
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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2013, 08:23:16 AM »
A personall favourite of Nelson's tenure will always be Space. Not overly complicated, but sublte and clever tones make it work.
now you mention it there are some crackin' bass parts on the purity album


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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #9 on: October 19, 2013, 09:20:00 AM »
Dean's guitar playing on the Jez n Dean gigs is pretty impressive aswell..... He does some pretty interesting and dynamic things with the full electric sounds to make them work as a duo.
Dave always did solid stuff and his best playing for me, is probably on Carnival strangely enough.

I really like what Dean White brings to NMA's guitars but Dave Blomberg was probably my fav NMA guitarist..."Big guitars and Little Europe" ("Modern times"?)..."Aimless desire"..."Killing"..."No pain"..."Snelsmore wood"..."Falling"..."Burning season"..."Rumour and rapture"...

Marshall is fine on albums (and subtly restrained on the last album) but a bit more "overacting" live...

In all cases NMA is above all things a "Drums, bass and voice" band, so... ;)


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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #10 on: October 19, 2013, 03:54:12 PM »
I wouldn't say Marshall "overacts" on stage, his mannerism aren't false looking, he comes accross as purely being in the moment, that's different to me. Some one can do all the Pete Townsend windmill's in the world, but HE DOES them...... He looks right doin' it, it's a purely natural move for him to express his attack on the instrument. When Marsh's is punchin' the body of the Les Paul he IS hitting it, not making it look like he is...... I do all sorts of things when I play, but none of it is some "act", it would look false and be pointless......
The first time I saw Marshall in NMA on the Carnival Tour he "looked" right, the stage is a place he SHOULD be. If you understand what I mean? It's his natural element, where he belongs. With his Les Paul, or now with the Gretsch. There are some people who just fit their instrument, and from watching, Rob, Stuart (in LOUD I admit), Nelson and Marshall and Michael are people like that. What they do looks and sounds natural, instinctive n not forced in any way. It's what they do, I imagine in the practice room the hit the strings/skins n cymbals just as hard as on stage.
Just how they come accross to me, no half measures, all or nothing.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2013, 05:52:43 PM by Stoney »
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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #11 on: October 19, 2013, 04:12:07 PM »
I think the most impressive part of all the musicians in NMA is that they always play what's appropriate for the song.  There are dozens of outstanding performances on every album but they're never about showing off, it's always about elevating the song to a new level.  To me, that's the sign of a really great player... they put song above their ego. 


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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #12 on: October 19, 2013, 04:27:27 PM »
Exactly........... Very little "over playing" in the NMA song collection.......... If any.........
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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #13 on: October 19, 2013, 05:35:40 PM »
I wouldn't say Marshall "overacts" on stasge, his mannerism aren't false looking, he comes accross as purely being in the moment, that's different to me. Some one can do all the Pete Townsend windmill's in the world, but HE DOES them...... He looks right doin' it, it's a purely natural move for him to express his attack on the instrument. When Marsh's is punchin' the body of the Les Paul he IS hitting it, not making it look like he is...... I do all sorts of things when I play, but none of it is some "act", it would look false and be pointless......

I think that Dave's playing was a bit more "subtle", less in your face, less loud...but again i think it works rather well on the albums, even if for me NMA is above all a rythmic band, drums and bass above all.

There are dozens of outstanding performances on every album but they're never about showing off, it's always about elevating the song to a new level.

i agree, it's all about the craftmanship, how to make a good song, above all, not wasting time on making empty virtuoso guitar soli for example.
« Last Edit: October 19, 2013, 05:39:22 PM by Guillaume »


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Re: Best bass,drums and guitar parts in NMA's discography?
« Reply #14 on: October 19, 2013, 07:28:40 PM »
Exactly........... Very little "over playing" in the NMA song collection.......... If any.........
There's overplaying to "look cool" and overplaying "tongue in cheek"
Used to love seeing Nelson do the Jimi Hendrix"playing with his teeth bit.Can't remember what song tho :-[
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