Author Topic: Least Favourite Albums  (Read 2706 times)

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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #15 on: December 01, 2013, 08:42:56 AM »
What an odd thread

I agree. May have  been better if it were balanced out with, your three least favourite, and your three most favourite  :o
i think this is interesting, there are endless posts about favourite albums. song, gigs & on and on. so i personally think this thread just balances out the forum. also, in order to get to know people fully you need to find out their dislikes as well as their likes.


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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #16 on: December 01, 2013, 01:02:16 PM »
I agree - if it was worded "worst album" I think it'd be a different matter. "Least favourite" implies just that - it's still amongst yer faves. I doubt any of us like all NMA albums exactly the same. Doesn't mean we don't love 'em all with a passion.  8)
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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #17 on: December 01, 2013, 03:12:49 PM »
For me it's Strange Brotherhood, I just can't get into it and have a problem with NMA + brass thing...

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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #18 on: December 01, 2013, 05:13:14 PM »
Carnival, at least is the album I hardly  never hear.
so it should be the "least favourite" one......


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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #19 on: December 01, 2013, 07:51:17 PM »
I guess it's Strange Brotherhood for me.  The best thing about your "least favorite" NMA album is that more than likely there are tracks on that album that are among your favorites.  WWTG, Over The Wire, Killing and Long Goodbye are never, ever skipped, and honestly, the other ones are also excellent.  As a whole though, it's my least listened to.


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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #20 on: December 01, 2013, 09:13:39 PM »
I agree - if it was worded "worst album" I think it'd be a different matter. "Least favourite" implies just that - it's still amongst yer faves. I doubt any of us like all NMA albums exactly the same. Doesn't mean we don't love 'em all with a passion.  8)

OK, fair point. I could only really pick two based on I play the two the least, and on both, tend to skip a song or two. They are,,, - Love of Hopeless Causes, and ,, Carnival.

Both still have some great songs on that I like.


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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #21 on: December 01, 2013, 10:41:33 PM »
Compared to other bands we are blessed and spoiled in equal measure, there are no bad NMA albums, period, I prefer ring now to focus on the ones I like the most - but at the moment, as that may change by next week. Let's face it you turned up to see the band play anywhere and they playedthe most obscure of the 220 odd tracks would you be unhaopy? I'd be ecstatic they played some unusual stuff... My least face NMA album is the one I just played to death for the umpteenth time and have just swapped for another of the old treasures
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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #22 on: December 02, 2013, 05:01:42 PM »
At the risk of committing heresy, the album I listen to the least these days is Thunder & Consolation....
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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #23 on: December 02, 2013, 07:38:12 PM »
As far as I am concerned and as I stated in another post ALL new model army s albums grew in me listening after listening. even those I did not like that much in the beginning I ended up loving them. Love of Hopeless causes was one of those for ex or Lost songs (some songs). Carnival on the contrary was su amazing from the beginning. I think anyway this has been true for me for almost all the albums but NOT the recennt ones may be because they were more kinda rock band in a room with choruses and lyrics one can shout at gigs going crazy like Water, High, Today is a good day etc. This last one for ex really rocks. Nothing to do with Eight for example really something different. And sure the last one which is very diferent from the last 2 (fortunately) but asbolutely stunning.


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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #24 on: December 03, 2013, 10:48:29 PM »
No song on EIGHT that grabs you???
"you weren't there"
"Orange tree trails"
"snelsmore wood"
"someone like Jesus"
All grab me by the throat great stuff
Each to his own I suppose

I agree that all these songs are awesome, i also add "leeds road 3am", beautiful, and overall beautiful album.

My least favorite NMA albums are "Carnival", "Strange brotherhood" and "Today is a good day", even if i think they are uneven albums there are still very good songs on them ( "BD3", "Red earth", "another imperial day", "fireworks night", "WWTG", "Aimless desire", "Headlights", "Long goodbye", "Peace is only", "States radio", "Disappeared", "North star"..) 


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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #25 on: December 04, 2013, 03:20:35 AM »
This will not be popular but "No Rest for the Wicked" but i don't dislike it. it just does the least out of any NMA album for me. Certain tracks like "No Greater Love" and "The attack" are an exception.
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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #26 on: December 09, 2013, 08:31:56 PM »
"Carnival" is the NMA album I play the least, but that could change. It's funny to read the various posts on how certain albums grow on people, but that happened with me on "Eight". I didn't really play it much untill my wife and I were at a volleyball tournement and had long drives to and from the school. I decided(why? I don't know) to bring it in the car and we both loved it. Played it over and over that weekend and now I love it, except for the frist song.
carnival is next up for a fresh listen.
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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #27 on: December 12, 2013, 10:17:20 PM »
There are plenty of "favourite" threads, that's why I thought this might be an interesting topic of discussion. As an aside, I've just realised that every time I feel motivated to come here and talk about NMA, I have TIAGD on the stereo.
mmm......... difficult to say which albums are least favourite. I tend to chuck them all in one big pot and kinda have a NMA jukebox if you see what I mean.
I just can't do that. I listen to albums, or full releases, exclusively because I know first-hand how much effort goes into choosing tracks and song orders. To me the album is the art, the songs are just components. That's why I could spend endless hours creating lists of favourite albums but couldn't list any of my favourite songs to save my life.

All that makes it easy to pick favourites because I have to want to listen to it from beginning to end or I won't listen to it at all.
No song on EIGHT that grabs you???
"you weren't there"
"Orange tree trails"
"snelsmore wood"
"someone like Jesus"
All grab me by the throat great stuff
Each to his own I suppose 👍
No, they do nothing for me. After sifting through these forum I have made an effort to listen to those songs in particular but they just wash over me.

It is interesting, though, because there definitely seem to be two kinds of fans because, here and elsewhere, I notice that their are fans like you, who like all the stuff I don't, and those that tend to like the same things I do. It is very different to, say, the Killing Joke forum where the range of opinions seems far more diverse. Maybe that's because KJ have gone through a lot of phases - they are definitely my favourite band of all-time but they have made some terrible records, whereas NMA have been amazingly consistent over a great span of years.


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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #28 on: December 14, 2013, 07:03:39 AM »
There really is such a diversity of feeling on this subject. Just the same a there is on "favourite album"

As I said before I go through phases and even the albums that I know I don't "love" I will listen to and enjoy them. Someone else said that even though you may not love a whole album there are always a few brilliant songs on there.
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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #29 on: December 28, 2013, 09:36:55 PM »
I'm not keen on the first 53 seconds of the song "Brother". the rest of it however, is fuckin magic  :D ;)