mmm......... difficult to say which albums are least favourite. I tend to chuck them all in one big pot and kinda have a NMA jukebox if you see what I mean. Diving in and out of albums (except when a new one is out and it goes on heavy rotation for a while) and often I end up in a "mood" themed playlist that zig zags all over the 30 odd years catalogue. Maybe I should revisit that sometime and listen through albums from start to finish.
On balance though I guess like Toronto the first 2 are the least listened to. For me it's that there's less songs on those records that regularly crop up in a playlist. Maybe thats not really surprising because a lot of the time I listen to songs to hear an expression of emotion, feeling or whatever that matches where I'm at in that moment (mind you alot of the time I listen just so I can have a dance and sing at loud volume as my poor neighbours would doubtless testify

) and those albums were a long time ago, perhaps a bit more "youthful" in feel? And I'm many things - but Youthful ain't one of 'em! I wonder if listening to them would make me feel young again?

Well it's friday evening, work's done for the week, bit of bassist's inspiration and it appears the waffle switch has been turned on.
Good weekend y'all.