Author Topic: Least Favourite Albums  (Read 2676 times)


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Least Favourite Albums
« on: November 27, 2013, 11:21:44 PM »
Which NMA albums don't work for you? I have a few:

Love of Hopeless Causes - it's not terrible, it just doesn't grab me the way the previous three albums do
Carnival - I try and try to get into this but it just doesn't work for me
Eight - I've not had this album long but again, I really can't get into it at all There is not one song on it that grabs me


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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #1 on: November 28, 2013, 12:30:51 AM »
Ha! Probably 3 of my all-time favourites right there.

Just goes to show.


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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #2 on: November 28, 2013, 06:51:31 AM »
I go through phases with all my music.

I did struggle with Love of Hopeless Causes I think it's the one I listen to the least.

Here Comes The War is the stand out track on the album in my opinion.
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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #3 on: November 28, 2013, 08:50:40 AM »
The first 4 songs on LOHC is possibly my favourite sequence of songs on any NMA album.

My only complaint would be that the album would have benefitted from the inclusion of the original versions of Knife and Drummy B.

Strange Brotherhood was my least favourite for a ages but I've really warmed to it in recent years.

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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #4 on: November 28, 2013, 10:15:01 AM »
dare i say the first two albums!
although i do still really like the songs - the price, vengeance, the attack & better than them

i did like them a long while ago, but for the last 5-10 years these ones just get left of the play list apart from the 4 songs above, these were the only songs i ripped into mp3's



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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #5 on: November 28, 2013, 11:51:02 AM »
The album I play least is No Rest. It has some great great songs, Better than them, No greater Love and the title track being stand outs, but as a whole I find it patchy. When LOHC came out, I didn't warm to it for years either. I thought it didn't have the variety of sonic texture of the previous two albums. I was expecting something different.  love it now though.


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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #6 on: November 28, 2013, 08:41:49 PM »
love of hopeless causes is a work of absolute perfection with eight being very close too, i agree about carnival but its still in my top 50 albums of all time! ...nice thread i like the passion!

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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #7 on: November 28, 2013, 10:16:07 PM »
No Rest is probably my least favourite as well, despite a few classics on there...

I've posted before on other threads about how TLOHC isn't a fave of mine... IMO, if they'd put Modern Times, Drummy B and Ghost Of Your Father on there, it would have been so much better, but we could argue about that until the end of time...  ;)

Carnival is also not one of my favourites although, ironically, it has two of my very favourite NMA songs ever in Fireworks Night and Too Close To The Sun...


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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #8 on: November 29, 2013, 12:26:28 PM »
To me it's so difficult to put it in a mode "which is the least"... And I won't. On the other hand the albums that I think deserves the most honourable seats there are possibly:

No Rest
WC ep
All of This (the Live Rarities)

No Rest for example: unbelievably ultimate hits here, containing unbreakable, authentic and raw passion. Same with The Live Rarities songs from No Rest where it's possible to get a clear hint about what it was in the days then. Love it! Hell, just check at the -85 Marquee gig from the 30th anniversary DVD and watch at JS on Better than Them or No Greater Love. I often wonder is it the same world where I was living as a young boy.

I've listened a lot of Vengeance era back in the days. Maybe even too much because I can remember most of its lyrics. I'd also like to enjoy about things they do right now - to feel it, understand it -  and not just try to remember the old times only. It wouldn't be nice to wake too late how old we are and where did everything go.
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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #9 on: November 29, 2013, 06:11:25 PM »
mmm......... difficult to say which albums are least favourite. I tend to chuck them all in one big pot and kinda have a NMA jukebox if you see what I mean. Diving in and out of albums (except when a new one is out and it goes on heavy rotation for a while) and often I end up in a "mood" themed playlist that zig zags all over the 30 odd years catalogue. Maybe I should revisit that sometime and listen through albums from start to finish.

On balance though I guess like Toronto the first 2 are the least listened to. For me it's that there's less songs on those records that regularly crop up in a playlist. Maybe thats not really surprising because a lot of the time I listen to songs to hear an expression of emotion, feeling or whatever that matches where I'm at in that moment (mind you alot of the time I listen just so I can have a dance and sing at loud volume as my poor neighbours would doubtless testify  :-[) and those albums were a long time ago, perhaps a bit more "youthful" in feel? And I'm many things - but Youthful ain't one of 'em! I wonder if listening to them would make me feel young again?  ;D

Well it's friday evening, work's done for the week, bit of bassist's inspiration and it appears the waffle switch has been turned on.

Good weekend y'all.
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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #10 on: November 29, 2013, 06:15:31 PM »
T&C, High and TIAGD would be the ones I listen to least often. Does that make them my least favourite?  It's pretty hard to say.

Carnival & LOHC get the most listens. Does that make them my favourites? Yep, I think it does.
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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #11 on: November 29, 2013, 07:30:19 PM »
My only complaint would be that the album would have benefitted from the inclusion of the original versions of Knife and Drummy B.

In 1991 when we did 2 successive nights at the Queen's Hall in Bradford, the band played Knife. We were lucky enough to share a cuppa with Ed in a hotel. He asked us which of the 'new' songs we'd like to see on the forthcoming album. I said 'Knife' and he nodded approvingly......just goes to show what little sway I had  ;) ;) I was made up when it resurfaced on Lost Songs. It's still one of my fave tracks.

Back on topic, the album I play least is Strange Brotherhood but I still love it to bits and had it on this morning, much to the irritation of the lady sat next to me on the bus  ;D ;D
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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #12 on: November 29, 2013, 07:54:44 PM »
Which NMA albums don't work for you? I have a few:

Love of Hopeless Causes - it's not terrible, it just doesn't grab me the way the previous three albums do
Carnival - I try and try to get into this but it just doesn't work for me
Eight - I've not had this album long but again, I really can't get into it at all There is not one song on it that grabs me
No song on EIGHT that grabs you???
"you weren't there"
"Orange tree trails"
"snelsmore wood"
"someone like Jesus"
All grab me by the throat great stuff
Each to his own I suppose 👍


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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #13 on: November 30, 2013, 03:22:26 PM »
What an odd thread
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Re: Least Favourite Albums
« Reply #14 on: November 30, 2013, 05:22:45 PM »
What an odd thread

I agree. May have  been better if it were balanced out with, your three least favourite, and your three most favourite  :o