Author Topic: Talking at gigs part 1,999,999  (Read 2558 times)


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Talking at gigs part 1,999,999
« on: December 05, 2013, 08:46:09 PM »
Just heard some of the recordings of the BDAW gigs and it caused me to reflect - WTF would make someone want to talk through Knievel as some people chose to do VERY LOUD.

Listening to that sung live is practically like a religious experience and I just don't understand why anyone would pay £20 plus travel to talk through it..

Whoever did is hopefully unlikely to be on this board otherwise perhaps they could enlighten us as to why the sound of their voice is more important than listening to the best live band in the world specially when they are playing atmospheric quiet stuff.

I know we've been here before on this subject on this forum but:

Looking ahead to the acoustic warm up set at Rock City could everyone observe some sort of audio curfew for this one and let the amazing acoustic songs do the talking? Or is that a vain hope??
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Re: Talking at gigs part 1,999,999
« Reply #1 on: December 06, 2013, 08:00:19 AM »
An utterly vain hope....sadly  :( >:(
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Re: Talking at gigs part 1,999,999
« Reply #2 on: December 06, 2013, 09:37:00 AM »
Yeah, when I go to NMA gigs I get transfixed to the point of not listening to anyone around me (I don't even see them) but the band. Talk only between songs if and when the band take some time between songs...
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Re: Talking at gigs part 1,999,999
« Reply #3 on: December 06, 2013, 12:44:34 PM »
Really can't understand this. Why pay and travel to see a band you presumably like to then talk whilst that band are performing.

Apart from anything else it's disrespectful to the band and people around you.
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Re: Talking at gigs part 1,999,999
« Reply #4 on: December 06, 2013, 03:11:14 PM »
Couldn't agree more. At the Forum in London people were talking loudly during the beginning of Summer Moors, even as Justin was singing the first verse. Total lack of respect.   I did see a post somewhere in another thread which seemed to suggest that singing along to songs was out of order too. Didn't understand that, as on louder songs at least, that is an integral part of the experience to me, but talking during songs, especially quiet ones is very annoying.


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Re: Talking at gigs part 1,999,999
« Reply #5 on: December 06, 2013, 11:56:13 PM »
A couple of loud conversations really pissed me off on this past uk tour. It's very disrespectful for both the band and the audience.  at London i over heard a few drunks shouting very loudly and in Falmouth one actually disturbed the band so much that they were told to "**** off".  Personally i get so involved with an NMA gig that i block out most of the background talk but sometimes it's so loud that you can't.  it's totally unfair for the majority of the audience that actually do care about the gig.
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Re: Talking at gigs part 1,999,999
« Reply #6 on: December 07, 2013, 01:33:21 AM »
FFS How pious can you get ? It’s a rock band playing very loud music live. It’s not opera, it’s not chamber music, it is loud rock music. So loud that my wife and I have to shout in each others ears to be heard.
It is not the messiah, it is a brilliant band playing songs loud. NMA do not play in a Cathedral. If someone has the audacity to talk to a companion during your favourite / personal song AND it annoys you then please take a look at yourself.
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Re: Talking at gigs part 1,999,999
« Reply #7 on: December 07, 2013, 08:59:50 AM »
indeed.. how times change... 25 years ago people's main concern was argie bargie down the front.. now its talking during the gig!


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Re: Talking at gigs part 1,999,999
« Reply #8 on: December 07, 2013, 09:36:29 AM »
FFS How pious can you get ? It’s a rock band playing very loud music live. It’s not opera, it’s not chamber music, it is loud rock music. So loud that my wife and I have to shout in each others ears to be heard.
It is not the messiah, it is a brilliant band playing songs loud. NMA do not play in a Cathedral. If someone has the audacity to talk to a companion during your favourite / personal song AND it annoys you then please take a look at yourself.

I get your point but its not about being pious, it's wanting to listen to the band without hearing someone bleating on about nonsense. Simple. 

Tony S

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Re: Talking at gigs part 1,999,999
« Reply #9 on: December 07, 2013, 01:31:42 PM »
FFS How pious can you get ? It’s a rock band playing very loud music live. It’s not opera, it’s not chamber music, it is loud rock music. So loud that my wife and I have to shout in each others ears to be heard.
It is not the messiah, it is a brilliant band playing songs loud. NMA do not play in a Cathedral. If someone has the audacity to talk to a companion during your favourite / personal song AND it annoys you then please take a look at yourself.

We're not talking about people shouting at each other during very loud songs though. We're talking about people rabbiting away during quiet songs like Knievel or Summer Moors etc. Everyone has paid good money to see the band perform these songs, so why talk about other stuff during them. Talk between songs, no worries there. Talking loudly during the performance of a quiet song though is just as bad as people gabbling when you're trying to watch a film at a cinema.


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Re: Talking at gigs part 1,999,999
« Reply #10 on: December 07, 2013, 02:36:58 PM »
Nanny, thanks for collecting me in the X3. Some rotters spoiled my night. They actually talked to each other during my favourite quiet song. Yes, they talked ! The cads. No respect. I had my best party frock on as well. It's just not jolly well fair.
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Re: Talking at gigs part 1,999,999
« Reply #11 on: December 07, 2013, 04:45:31 PM »
The rabbiting away over the acoustic stuff has gone for ages.......... I've had a few discusions with gumbies for it. It's one thing for a quiet short convo, but the loons who wax lyrical about the Daily Mail, X Factor or traffic conditions over Another imperial Day, Marrakesh or whatever? For fux sake is it really that important to warrant pissing 30 people stood next to you? If so, why not naff off to the smoking area, better yet, buy the ticket fer gig, but stay in the pub or debating society....... the rest of us would be quite grateful to listen and enjoy THE act on stage and their live renditions of the songs we like. Be it while dancing, sitting or standing on the shoulders of like minded individuals or standing "transfixed and trans like" having a "religious experience" .... choose and delete as appropriate. It's been said a million times, but whatever........ I wonder at times, why some people go to the gigs and if they are interested in it or simply being there to be seen........ :-X
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Re: Talking at gigs part 1,999,999
« Reply #12 on: December 07, 2013, 06:11:16 PM »
Nanny, thanks for collecting me in the X3. Some rotters spoiled my night. They actually talked to each other during my favourite quiet song. Yes, they talked ! The cads. No respect. I had my best party frock on as well. It's just not jolly well fair.

I wanted to bite back at this but whats the point? Some folk are just twats I guess.

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Re: Talking at gigs part 1,999,999
« Reply #13 on: December 07, 2013, 06:44:29 PM »
Don't get me started.  The 30th anniversary shows, second night in Nottingham, acoustic set... couldn't get nearer the front, was stuck near the back and there were so many people talking LOUDLY that there were certain songs that I couldn't tell what they were, thanks to these inconsiderate fools...  I presume they ARE fans, they didn't show up by accident...

You ain't into the acoustic stuff?  Fine. Move away from the main space, there are plenty of places to go in Rock City, and chat all you want with your pals.  Just don't ruin it for the rest of us... or are you so arrogant that you think your idiotic babble (which was NOTHING to do with the band, I heard it!) is more entertaining than the band?  There was people politely asking them to pipe down and getting abuse thrown back.  I really thought it would kick off at one point.

I'm not asking for cathedral-like reverence, just a bit of respect for the band and the fans, but it seems like that's beyond some people.  I despair, truly I do.

Oh to have Joolz to have been knocking about in that area... a lovely person, but not a lady you would want to get on the wrong side of...  ;)


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Re: Talking at gigs part 1,999,999
« Reply #14 on: December 07, 2013, 08:39:36 PM »
Never understood why people pay the ticket price, as well as whatever costs to get there, or stay in the local area to ignore the music and natter to each other.

Evening Mater Ray  :)
and Wezzy              :D
« Last Edit: December 07, 2013, 08:45:49 PM by Shush »