The only problem I have with talkers like many have said already is during the acoustic/quieter songs. First and foremost it's totally disrespectful to everyone who has payed good money to listen to live music. Surely what you've got to say is not that important that you have to broadcast it to all around you right that second. You've only got to wait a matter of minutes and the song will end or at least cup your hand around the appropriate lug hole and talk into it, instead of shouting it.
Maybe more venues like Robin 2, Bilston should have signs around asking for people not to talk during the music or vacate to the bar area. Venues could definitely do more.
I recently went to see a band play a live soundtrack to a film and two women repeatedly chatted all the way through, would you do that a cinema? I don't think so, in fact you'd probably get asked to leave.
I observed a couple of blokes at a gig who chatted all the through and did not look towards the stage at any point. So they paid £15 for a ticket to buy over priced watered down beer to have a chat, doesn't sound like a good night to me!