Aaah Ray, that makes me just the more curious about LOD season 2. Hope it'll hit Netflix soon!
Thanks for the recommendations, I'll give them a try.

Breaking Bad I've watched - and loved it. I found it really interesting how I came to dislike the main character more and more and started rooting for Jesse at the same time proportionally. Have a picture of him at my office door, saying "Yo, Science, *****!"

Anyway, I tried to watch it a second time, because it's sometimes not so easy catching every single little bit of the plot as a non-native english speaker. But, it didn't work out. Seems to be a show for me to watch once and let it go.
Another interesting show is "The wire". Just as there are show where you come to like the characters and admire the kind of loyalty that drives them (Justified and Sons of Anarchy in particular), and in "The wire": none. Just people trying to survive in their chosen corner of the world. Very very dark show. And definitely one that hooked me in

Btw, have you tried "The walking dead"? I did, but I didn't came very far. Ended up on my couch, hands before my head and peeking through my fingers, heart racing, adrenalin flushing. Damn Zombies, they go not easy on my nerves