Everything should be released on vinyl as well as other formats. Vinyl, played on an high quality turntable and system will out perform CD every time.
For me, in the main, CD has distracted from the listening pleasure in many ways, because of the sheer convenience of everything being on 'one side', and the thing automatically stopping if forgotten about.....We hear the music more than listen to it, as we can do many other things at the same time.....
With vinyl, we have to engage with the music, cant get distracted by other things, wander off....we have to turn it over, take it off at the end, take care of the physical item to keep it pristeen.... We have wonderful sleeves, lyric sheets, posters, photos and all manner of other things packaged with an LP, to enjoy along with the music......
Yep, ipods/phones/mp3 players alond with CD's are brilliant bits of tec, but for me, vinyl will always be king....and it does disappoint me when wonderful music is denied a vinyl release....
Just my thoughts....
