That‘s so cool that you‘ve mentioned that book. I‘m excited about this, because first: it‘s always nice and exciting when somebody else is discovering something you also once discorvered.
And secondly: the book you are reading seems to be the exact collection that startet my love for Lovecraft and his
Cosmic Horror…
And this was actually based on a misunderstanding or a wrong pre-conception of mine. In those days i really was a horror-movie-nerd, collected Fangoria magazine and Gorezone and when i saw Re-Animator by Stuart Gordon, which was said to be inspired by Lovecraft, i decided to check that horror-author out and got that book with "Herbert West: Reanimator" as a part of the collection, and after reading all of the storys i was hooked..
Totally not what i had expected then, but totally fascinated and hungry for more.
And i think that if you have read those storys in this book and you're curious for more, you‘re still not prepared for what is to come..
That‘s not meant in a sense of bigger and better, but the picture kind of gets wider with every story…and then his collaboration with other authors...and then his scholars taking the myth and writing lovecraftian storys…and then just the influence he had...
Maybe i‘m just a little bit too obsessed..;-) but fact is, i've just read this book:

It's a graphic novel and it's so beautiful and well done and "true" to the Lovecraftian atmosphere... a masterpiece for me as a fan of Lovecraft adaptations.

Just love this! And i also got "At the Mountains of Madness" a two parter by the same graphic artist.
I could go on for hours about this, i've got to stop;-) Hope you enjoy the other storys..
Next one on my list ist a manga by Gou Tanabe - The Shadow out of Time..