Author Topic: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?  (Read 47652 times)


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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #435 on: May 15, 2021, 08:37:44 AM »
Hi Tarsier you are indeed correct.........did some more digging and indeed Mr.Wells was way earlier.........just goes to show how good Wiki is... ::)...and that book is on my list to thanks for that.


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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #436 on: May 22, 2021, 10:36:41 AM »
Have just finished reading a few novellas/short stories........''The Willows'' by Algernon Blackwood ''The Celestial Omnibus'' by E.M.Forster and my first dip into H.P.Lovecraft ''The Statement Of Randolph Carter'',''Facts Concerning The Late Arthur Jermyn And His Family'' and of course ''The Call Of Cthulhu''.......all excellent reads. 8)..
« Last Edit: May 22, 2021, 10:40:54 AM by Ghosttrain »


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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #437 on: May 22, 2021, 05:22:22 PM »
Wow, that's cool, glad to hear that you liked Lovecraft and Blackwood! How did you come to read Blackwood? I discovered him by reading something about Lovecraft and the fact, that he quoted Blackwood in a kind of foreword in Cthulhu. And then i tried to find Books and they were hard to find. But i have six collections of his storys, and they are all all good read. Very special in atmosphere...

And if you want to dig deeper into Lovecraft, well i think you should!!! ;-), try out "The Colour out of Space", "At the Mountains of Madness", "The Shadow out of Time", "Dagon", "The Whisperer in the Darkness", "The Shadow over Innsmouth", "Herbert West: Reanimator", ....
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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #438 on: May 22, 2021, 05:46:28 PM »
I also discovered A.Blackwood via H.P.Lovecraft after i read an article by him in which he said that after ''The White People'' by Arthur Machen ''The Willows'' was the scariest being a fan of Mr.Machen i had to read it........also most of the other Lovecraft stories you suggest are in the same book as the ones i is a book called ''The Call of Cthulhu and Other Weird i shall certainly read them..thanks ..


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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #439 on: May 23, 2021, 03:09:59 PM »
That‘s so cool that you‘ve mentioned that book. I‘m excited about this, because first: it‘s always nice and exciting when somebody else is discovering something you also once discorvered.
And secondly: the book you are reading seems to be the exact collection that startet my love for Lovecraft and his Cosmic Horror

And this was actually based on a misunderstanding or a wrong pre-conception of mine. In those days i really was a horror-movie-nerd, collected Fangoria magazine and Gorezone and when i saw Re-Animator by Stuart Gordon, which was said to be inspired by Lovecraft, i decided to check that horror-author out and got that book with "Herbert West: Reanimator" as a part of the collection, and after reading all of the storys i was hooked..
Totally not what i had expected then, but totally fascinated and hungry for more.
And i think that if you have read those storys in this book and you're curious for more, you‘re still not prepared for what is to come..
That‘s not meant in a sense of bigger and better, but the picture kind of gets wider with every story…and then his collaboration with other authors...and then his scholars taking the myth and writing lovecraftian storys…and then just the influence he had...

Maybe i‘m just a little bit too obsessed..;-) but fact is, i've just read this book:

It's a graphic novel and it's so beautiful and well done and "true" to the Lovecraftian atmosphere... a masterpiece for me as a fan of Lovecraft adaptations.

Just love this! And i also got "At the Mountains of Madness" a two parter by the same graphic artist.

I could go on for hours about this, i've got to stop;-) Hope you enjoy the other storys..

Next one on my list ist a manga by Gou Tanabe - The Shadow out of Time..

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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #440 on: May 24, 2021, 08:21:13 AM »
You truly are a fan........thank you once again for all the information,love the illustrations.... 8)....


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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #441 on: May 25, 2021, 12:32:56 PM »
''Goodbye To Berlin'' by Christopher Isherwood a fascinating account of his time spent as an English teacher in the waning days of Weimer Republic Berlin.Writes of the places he frequents.lives and the people in his life,also the political situation and the rise of The Nazis.An excellent book.


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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #442 on: May 26, 2021, 06:10:11 AM »
Just started the new book by Andy Weir - Project Hail Mary (Der Astronaut auf deutsch). He also wrote The Martian, his debut i think, which i enjoyed very much and Ridley Scott did the movie with Matt Damon about it. I think this new one will be also very good, right now i'm really into it and can't wait to find out what is going to happen.
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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #443 on: May 28, 2021, 08:56:34 AM »
E.M.Forster novella ''The Machine Stops''......brilliant dystopic story,packs so much in such a short story.


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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #444 on: June 02, 2021, 04:46:08 PM »
I have just finished re reading ''Down And Out In Paris And London'' by George Orwell....a book i have'nt read for over 40 years and it is still my favourite Orwell novel....


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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #445 on: June 06, 2021, 05:40:24 PM »
Have just finished ''Mr.Norris Changes Trains'' by Christopher Isherwood another book detailing his time in Berlin before the second world war......briiliant what a fantastic writer this man was...


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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #446 on: June 07, 2021, 02:31:45 PM »
Is your tv broken? you are reading so much..;-) 8)

i think that's great. for me listening to audio books has become a real habit and it's more listening now than reading.
But i still like to read and i love short stories. I have this anthology called "Lovecraft's Monsters" by Ellen Dallow and from that i've recently read "Überlebende" by Fred Chappell and this was so surprisingly good! Pure fun to read what the author did with this hommage to Lovecraft.

And i've finished the audio book of Project Hail Mary and again it was a blessing that i didn't know anything about it before reading, not even having the back of a book to read about. The story did surprise me, it takes the science-fact-fiction very far and i had a very, very good time with this book! Loved it. It would also make a great movie again..
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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #447 on: June 07, 2021, 05:02:39 PM »
Ha Ha......i watch very little TV..........and due to my mobility issues i can no longer enjoy walking (which i used to enjoy very much).so reading and listening to music are my main pleasures.........the wonders of getting old. ::)..There's a  pipe and slippers on the near horizon.. ;D....
« Last Edit: June 07, 2021, 05:58:22 PM by Ghosttrain »


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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #448 on: June 08, 2021, 07:47:46 PM »
Slowly coming out of the beer haze of the ice hockey world championship (don't mention it...) ;D So I grabbed a book again. Still on thriller mode, still with Carl Morck :) So currently reading Jussi Adler-Olsens ''Guilt''.

I haven't really read Lovecraft properly, a thing I should probably fix… But I suddenly remembered listening to audiobooks from Youtube one night when I tried to sleep in my previous flat – I woke up at three o'clock at night and the story that was going on from the playlist was called ''The Thing on the Doorstep'' so I was very quickly like, how about no… I'm a master of freaking myself out with spooky stuff  ;D


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Re: The BOOKS thread... what you reading?
« Reply #449 on: June 15, 2021, 09:53:40 AM »
''The Chestnut Man'' debut novel from Soren Sveistrup creator and scriptwriter of The Killing and also wrote the screenplay for Jo Nesbo's The Snowman.....creepy,clever and packed with tension, brlliant i loved it, a must for all Scandi Noir fans(imho)... 8)...