I am currently reading ''To Kill A Mocking Bird''by Harper Lee a book i have not read before, for those who have not read it yet you must it is an absolute classic.
Now here is one book that I have always wanted to read but never have - so maybe I really should try and get my hands on it now? A lot of interesting sounding suggestions in this thread, thank you everyone!!!
Mind you, I used to read soo much, sometimes 2 or 3 books at a time.

For what seems like ages now...nothing. There is always so much going on that I find it hard to sit down and read in peace - and when I do, I get so tired I can't seem to concentrate.

It's a shame, I hate that and sometimes I swear I can feel my braincells dying.

I only have myself to blame for the lack in time - but it must be possible to actually make some time!