Author Topic: What pisses you off..? ;o)  (Read 74983 times)

Master Ray

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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #60 on: June 13, 2014, 07:23:03 PM »
OK, just reading some news... Iraq is now turning to Hell on Earth, lots of religion-based mass-murdering etc...

Yet the UK and the US (who let's face it, starting this whole terrible ****-ery with the Iraq invasion just over ten years ago) are now basically shrugging their shoulders and saying 'hmmm, not OUR problem...'   >:(

Hate to say it, but it would have been better if they'd left SH in charge instead of blaming him for 9/11 (which, of course, had nothing to do with him).  Yes, he was a dictator who may, or may have not, have committed atrocities (dependant on what light the news reports wanted to throw him into that week), but this world is full of them.  Funny how the ones who are attacked are the ones with some kind of Western agenda aimed against them.  Or, possibly, oil.

I truly despair.

EDIT... I just re-read my original post and it might have been badly written, hence the amendment.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2014, 08:52:00 PM by Master Ray »


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #61 on: June 13, 2014, 08:47:30 PM »
Your not wrong about Iraq, its that what they call democracy. Isn't it ironic they went there for WMD,found none but used Depleted Uranium weapons on the people . Many children being born with deformities and never on our news. The human race, the planet and all wildlife being used as guinea pigs, chemtrails, poisoned vaccines, fluoridation, GMO, cruelty, Fukushima and war.


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #62 on: June 13, 2014, 10:23:48 PM »
From studying history a lot myself, I find it amazing that in my own lifetime, this modern world, we managed here in the West to manufacture a falsehood of WMDs , make an informed modern minded population fall for it, and then use it as an excuse for war.

I supported the invasion of Iraq, believing what I was told in the media. I will never forgive Blair for this. He should be tried as a war criminal along with Bush.

Of coarse Sadam was bad. But so is Mugabe, so is the regime in North Korea, but we are not the Police force of the World.

Maybe in these countries we look at, and disapprove of the civil rights of the population, maybe they look at us and think, Oh, poor UK population, they are told a packet of lies by  their  Government about WMDs, and then send their young men off to die. !! for a falsehood

WMD - Words of Mass Deception


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #63 on: June 13, 2014, 10:30:06 PM »
People who hate football, and then during the World Cup feel the need to tell everyone. Come on, its only once every four years. Just ignore it, it will soon be done and gone.

(not a dig at you M/Ray)

well, maybe a little  ;D

Master Ray

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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #64 on: June 13, 2014, 10:59:53 PM »
People who hate football, and then during the World Cup feel the need to tell everyone. Come on, its only once every four years. Just ignore it, it will soon be done and gone.

(not a dig at you M/Ray)

well, maybe a little  ;D

Totally cool, bro'!  Don't mind at all.


>:(  >:(  >:( >:(  >:(  >:(  >:(  >:(  >:(  >:(  >:(  >:(  >:(



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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #65 on: June 14, 2014, 07:50:47 AM »
Friends who you constantly express the desire to have sex with you, after telling them absolutely not for the past two years. Friends who call and tell you that they are buying sex toys and that they wish you would join to hint once again the desire to have sex. Now, the friendship is feeling a bit uncomfortable.

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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #66 on: June 14, 2014, 01:09:09 PM »
The fact that laser beard removal hurts so bloody much - it really really does !!!! Worse than tattoos on the bone. Every 2 months as well and just as you get used to it the power goes up another level. 9th session just done prob another 6 or so to go.................................  :'(

p.s. not really a piss off I guess more a feel sorry for myself  ::)
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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #67 on: June 14, 2014, 05:18:52 PM »
From studying history a lot myself, I find it amazing that in my own lifetime, this modern world, we managed here in the West to manufacture a falsehood of WMDs , make an informed modern minded population fall for it, and then use it as an excuse for war.

I supported the invasion of Iraq, believing what I was told in the media. I will never forgive Blair for this. He should be tried as a war criminal along with Bush.

Of coarse Sadam was bad. But so is Mugabe, so is the regime in North Korea, but we are not the Police force of the World.

Maybe in these countries we look at, and disapprove of the civil rights of the population, maybe they look at us and think, Oh, poor UK population, they are told a packet of lies by  their  Government about WMDs, and then send their young men off to die. !! for a falsehood

WMD - Words of Mass Deception

I can`t understand Colin Powell and how he was able to tell the world someting he didn`t believe or he wasn`t shure having the right informations, in that situation I thought, he is man enough to refuse and don`t playing a dirty game with the rest of the hunting ones
And me, I`ve got a black place in my heart
Still got this hole in me
Perhaps - I am the master of nothing?

Master Ray

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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #68 on: June 14, 2014, 05:57:12 PM »
Can I just say that I started this thread as a kind of silly / fun thing about irrelevances that annoy you in the modern world... and then somehow forgot this and posted something about a truly horrific thing in the modern world?  Sorry, might have been somewhat, ahem, 'refreshed' last night, didn't mean for a humerous thread to take a great big turn into darkness...

Whatever, the points still stand...


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #69 on: June 14, 2014, 08:04:22 PM »
I had no idea this was meant to be silly/ fun.I seriously thought it was for us to express out anger and the cause of it. That's probably why I posted so many damn times on this one.

Now, It's a bit funny that i did not realize it was meant to be funny. ;D
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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #70 on: June 14, 2014, 09:38:24 PM »
Can I just say that I started this thread as a kind of silly / fun thing about irrelevances that annoy you in the modern world... and then somehow forgot this and posted something about a truly horrific thing in the modern world?  [...]

Oh, come on Mr. Ray, it's just normal that people may share every kind of things they don't like; silly or irrelevances in every day life as you mentioned, but also the worst and anguished things people may face up to. It's normal. As you surely know, things are not just lovely "green", or difficultly "grey" but at times they may seem to be deeply black too. We all have them, together. Besides that if I get deep-hearted once again I'd like to say our lives are in all colours. :)
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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #71 on: June 17, 2014, 07:16:28 PM »
Can I just say that I started this thread as a kind of silly / fun thing about irrelevances that annoy you in the modern world... and then somehow forgot this and posted something about a truly horrific thing in the modern world?  Sorry, might have been somewhat, ahem, 'refreshed' last night, didn't mean for a humerous thread to take a great big turn into darkness...

Whatever, the points still stand...
People that complain about their own threads.....grrr *shakes fist

 ;D ;D >:( ;)
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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #72 on: June 18, 2014, 01:08:13 PM »
People who complain about bands selling merchandise. People who claim that bands have "Sold out" simply for trying to make the money to play gigs for fans (even the fans who constantly find something to ***** about) and pay their bills.
How about, Just not buy it if you don't want it?  Instead of complain about it and bring people who actually enjoy it down.  It really isn't rocket science. ::)

Pretty much agree with all of this. Nobody's forcing you to buy anything! Come to think, nobody is forcing anyone to go to the gigs, either.
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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #73 on: June 19, 2014, 06:25:07 PM »
Friends who you constantly express the desire to have sex with you, after telling them absolutely not for the past two years. Friends who call and tell you that they are buying sex toys and that they wish you would join to hint once again the desire to have sex. Now, the friendship is feeling a bit uncomfortable.

Sorry about that !
I'll stop hassling you now !

Whooosshhhh !!!


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #74 on: June 19, 2014, 07:20:41 PM »
Friends who you constantly express the desire to have sex with you, after telling them absolutely not for the past two years. Friends who call and tell you that they are buying sex toys and that they wish you would join to hint once again the desire to have sex. Now, the friendship is feeling a bit uncomfortable.

Sorry about that !
I'll stop hassling you now !

Where I'm from is not my home, and neither's where i'm bound.