From studying history a lot myself, I find it amazing that in my own lifetime, this modern world, we managed here in the West to manufacture a falsehood of WMDs , make an informed modern minded population fall for it, and then use it as an excuse for war.
I supported the invasion of Iraq, believing what I was told in the media. I will never forgive Blair for this. He should be tried as a war criminal along with Bush.
Of coarse Sadam was bad. But so is Mugabe, so is the regime in North Korea, but we are not the Police force of the World.
Maybe in these countries we look at, and disapprove of the civil rights of the population, maybe they look at us and think, Oh, poor UK population, they are told a packet of lies by their Government about WMDs, and then send their young men off to die. !! for a falsehood
WMD - Words of Mass Deception