Author Topic: What pisses you off..? ;o)  (Read 75179 times)

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #90 on: September 03, 2014, 05:33:15 PM »
The fact that walking the dog down my street which has nose to tail cars parked on both sides all the way down it. Of all the cars he decides to piss up the bugger chose mine. That pissed me right off.  :D
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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #91 on: September 03, 2014, 07:44:56 PM »
The fact that walking the dog down my street which has nose to tail cars parked on both sides all the way down it. Of all the cars he decides to piss up the bugger chose mine. That pissed me right off.  :D

Whooosshhhh !!!


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #92 on: September 04, 2014, 06:56:33 AM »
The fact that walking the dog down my street which has nose to tail cars parked on both sides all the way down it. Of all the cars he decides to piss up the bugger chose mine. That pissed me right off.  :D
I live at the bottom of a small cliff used by nesting seagulls.I,m sure they wait till I clean the car then have a game to see how many of them can shit on the car.I could go 5 or 6 days with no shit on the car.Wash the car,guarenteed white splodges next day. >:(

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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #93 on: September 04, 2014, 05:54:52 PM »
OK, I've said previously that I have a new job hopefully starting soon, just needed some confirmation from the JSA folks about my benefits claims... my god, they've been pissing me about for the last two days about getting confirmation so I can start my new job! You'd think they'd be happy about someone getting off benefits to get back into work but no...  >:(


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #94 on: September 05, 2014, 09:34:26 AM »
The fact that my manger does not care how hard you work or how dedicated you are. He only cares about how you look. The fact that he gives a girl that he wishes to sleep with more shifts in hope to actually sleep with her. as well as his friend who stands around and talks as opposed to works more shifts. Luckily i am leaving and moving to a job that actually cares about your work ethics and does not have a manager who thinks with his penis.
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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #95 on: September 19, 2014, 08:15:19 PM »
OK, liking my new job, but overheard my new manager (who seems to be a bit of a *****) talking to a sub-manager about trying to find the Facebook accounts of new employees...  :o

Just as well I keep NO personal details on my FB account and never say anything that might incriminate me...

Cue an avalanche of anti-FB folks doing the usual hating...  ;)

Again, FB is a useful tool but you gotta be careful...

BTW, just previewed this message and apparently 'b.itch' is a banned word?  Just as well I didn't say ****, eh!  Or was talking about female dogs...


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #96 on: September 19, 2014, 09:01:21 PM »
I'm not totally against Facebook totally against employers or any authority figures playing big brother though Can't you add a legal note stating the data protection act to your account I remember the last time i was unemployed i refused to tell the dole my email address stating my civil rights under the said act They weren't happy but they were powerless to anything felt so good to get one up on them
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Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #97 on: September 19, 2014, 09:21:58 PM »
Small people who feel bad about themselves will seek to use any tool they can find to make themselves feel better about others. Luckily for them they can pretend it's in the company interest to find out about you. Maybe go to their facebook and throw that at them or alternatively post a selfie on your "wall" shoving 2 fingers up to the man  ;D Take no notice of me I said somewhere else I was feeling silly.

The real thing to do is forget it - the world has gone mental

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Master Ray

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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #98 on: September 21, 2014, 05:25:11 PM »
OK, I'm in London next Thursday, just for the day and I thought I'd have a couple of pints in one of my fave London pub, The Intrepid Fox, to round off the day before my train home... bugger, just went on the Internet and it's closed down.   

It was the perfect mix of loud music, low lighting and truly frightening toilets.

Another favourite haunt lost...  :'(


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #99 on: September 21, 2014, 09:28:09 PM »
Health and safety.

Shouldn't really be saying that as it is part of my job. I am however wearing my safety goggles whilst typing in case a key springs out from my keyboard and hits me in the eye.

Master Ray

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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #100 on: September 21, 2014, 09:32:31 PM »
Health and safety.

Shouldn't really be saying that as it is part of my job. I am however wearing my safety goggles whilst typing in case a key springs out from my keyboard and hits me in the eye.

Mate, if it was you that closed down The Fox, then I have this to say... (well, maybe not the 'daughter' line)...  >:(

« Last Edit: September 21, 2014, 09:34:35 PM by Master Ray »


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #101 on: September 21, 2014, 10:20:15 PM »
Women out on a Hen night or Guys on stag do Why do people act like total idiots cos someone is getting married.
Weirdo   Mosher   Freak.

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Master Ray

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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #102 on: September 22, 2014, 06:32:10 PM »
Women out on a Hen night or Guys on stag do Why do people act like total idiots cos someone is getting married.

Because they'll never get the chance to do so again...

Just kidding, married folks...  ;D


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #103 on: September 23, 2014, 06:41:54 AM »
The fact that rock stars such as Robert Plant can get away with having sex with 13 and 14 year old girls and not get penalize for it like anyone else. Then write about it in his memoir like this type of abuse is perfectly okay and normal. Also the fact that some of their parents allow this.

And I had no idea that this happened until someone with experience of the music industry informed me. To be honest they need to have their balls chopped off. At that age, they will be screwed up for life.
Where I'm from is not my home, and neither's where i'm bound.

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #104 on: September 23, 2014, 09:09:12 PM »
Anyone with a 16 year old son will surely understand this.

I understand what's happening to you, I know how it feels. Becoming a young man biologically and mentally is a wild ride. It's tough. But it's not my fault !!!!  And when you talk to me like that it's really bloody hard fighting the urge to punch you one bang on the nose. I love  :-* you to death and to coin a phrase “I'd jump in front a flying bullet for you” but jesus, you try my fracking patience sometimes boy.  >:(

Waving at the devil that I know and the devil that I don't