OK, the latest arsebollocks by silver-spoon-fed, rich boy, dead-pig-botherer Cameron's speech today about how 'there is no link between welfare cuts and poverty'...

Seriously? Can anyone actually fall for this shit?
Well, possibly, Mr Cameron himself... It's entirely possible that Cnuteron actually believes all this nonsense. After all, he inhabits a totally different conceptual universe from most of us. Poverty is unimaginable, literally, to him so there's no conflict between slashing the services and the incomes of the poorest and preaching about "improving life chances". Looking further into it, his starting salary for his first job (that he had no real qualifications for or experience in) was £90K per year. His mother in law, sitting on the board of Carlton (UK media company), placed him in that job. The Queen, a distant cousin (fifth cousin, once removed) , put in a good word for him to get his gig with the Bloody Tories. These are facts, feel free to look them up...
He's also talks about the new 'affordable housing' that the government want to build in the London area (for first time buyers) starting at £400,000...

Back to the 'no link between welfare cuts and poverty' thing... I truly believe that The Tories have taken George Orwells brilliant novel '1984' not as a cautionary tale about how power can corrupt and how the media can distort the facts, but as a bloody instructional manual...
Anyway, I'm sure ldopas will be back to tell me how wrong I am, all I can say is... don't fall for the doublespeak. But I know you're all smart enough to take that on board...