American Airlines. Three flight to Chicago from/to New Orleans did not go. It was my connection to Madrid. They rerouted me to Heathrow and Then Madrid. Guess what? It was late. So i am sitting in Heathrow tired as this will be a 30 something hour journey. I then fly to Istanbul, Antalya and go To Kas, then a Greek Island off the coast. Airlines trigger panic attacks for me. I had them on the plane and embarrassed myself. I cried very badly on the plane and made an idiot of myself. There was turbulence too. They had a flight tyre. However the first flight with them involved missing my connection and sleeping in hotel. It's quite exhausting and degrading.
I did not need this now of all times. I need to be emotionally stable to do refugee work in the Greek islands. This prevented that. I have already been super anxious about it for some reason.
I get more stressed at airports than anywhere else. They are not made for people with anxiety disorders. Now, my chest hurts for the series of panic attacks. The One time where there was turbulence I felt the worst fear imaginable. I could not breath. The flight attendant had to help me. Then some of my friends say ,it was not that bad. Well, they should feel that for one time in their lives and then say that. It's not that bad in the big perspective but was devastating for me. Then they say not to travel. Why don't you tell a deaf person not to go to a concert and feel the musics vibrations. It's a similar concept. People with any sort of disability should be able to be given a change to do what everyone else does.