Damn. VERY bad day today. Could turn into a huge rant. Feel free to ignore this... although I could really use from some feedback from my NMA pals

. I did try to calm down by posting my usual silly drivel, keep a happy face on, eh?, but it's not working, so I'm back to trying to stop my hands shaking with anger and I'm in a state of absolute upset like very little before...
My Mums husband walked out on her today. They're both nearly 70. Married for nearly 25 years. Mostly happy years. He had an affair ten years ago, but they worked it out. But over the last couple of years, he's become an alcoholic. Not simply a 'heavy drinker', but someone who hides whiskey bottles in the shed, the spare room and the hedges around the front garden. And, apparently, he's not someone whose nice when he's drunk.
But tonight, it got really nasty. He packed his bags whilst shouting stuff like 'I'll throw you down the fuckin' stairs, you bi t ch'.... I swear to God, if he puts a single bruise on my Mum, I will find the c u n t and I will batter him senseless. I don't give a fuckin' shit that he's an old man.
But... he's a very 'connected' old man. He was a very senior copper before he retired. So... a 'weirdo' like me versus a highly decorated, nearly 70 ex-public servant... that wouldn't go well for me, eh?
One of the things that's upsetting me most... I previously and genuinely thought the world of this guy. He was good to my Mum and he was good to me. It's only in the last couple of years that he turned this way.
Mum went over to a friends house tonight, I'm going over tomorrow. If he shows up to pick up the rest of his stuff and I happen to be there... I'm not sure what might happen. He threatened to leave her penniless (they have joint accounts) so Mum's off to the bank to try and put a stop on their accounts... not sure how that works. Advice?
My Mum doesn't deserve this shit. She got knocked up with me at 20 to a guy who abandoned her when I was a baby and was never heard from again. She got married again at 30 to another guy (who I call 'Dad'), it didn't work out after 12 years, but fair enough. Thought it was third time lucky... apparently not.
This fuckin' world... good people get fooked over the worst of all, eh?
I don't know whether to cry or punch out a window right now. Yes, I have been drinking, rather heavily, so apologies if anything on this post was a bit random. Feeling low as fcuk right now. Seeing as Mum wants to keep this shit quiet (for now), I couldn't go to any social media that might get back to her friends so, sorry, you guys got the brunt of it. I just needed somewhere to vent or someone to talk to.
It's not very often I ask for help or assurance. I really need some help right now. I'm just so angry and so sad.