Cheers, guys, really appreciated. Feeling a lot calmer now. It's not often I 'lose the plot', but when I do, it's visible from space. Last night, I lost the plot, the sub-plot, most of the cast and the end credits. Drinking a lot really didn't help. Feeling a bit embarrassed, quite frankly. Sorry to unload on you all, I was drunk and angry, just needed to vent, somewhere, anywhere. Probably did it here because I know how many good folks there are here.
Mums back at home, he's in a TravelLodge, they've talked today on the phone but it looks like it's unsurmountable. Just got back to mine. Mum's obviously in bits. I'm gutted for her... when you're nearly 70, you expect to be in a comfortable position in which to live out the rest of your days, not this shit.
For the record, Ray (not my Dad, BTW, just my Mums third husband since 1992) was apparently in tears for some of their phone conversation. But still refuses to admit that there's something wrong with having your first whiskey at 10 in the morning and hiding bottles in the garden. Obviously a full-blown alkie, an addiction I sympathise with. But not enough to excuse the threat of physical violence to my mother.
And you're right, there should be no violence from myself. I'm not a violent person. But me threatening someone else with violence after a few drinks... oh boy, the irony right there, eh?
(Then again, I'm not drinking hard liquor at 10am, but I digress...)
It's just a perfect storm of shit in view of my personal circumstances. Sounds selfish, but I don't need it right now, not in the week when I was looking at declaring bankrupcy, possibly the only way to clear the debts I've run up since being laid off, then realised I can't afford to. Costs over £600! Small discount if you're unemployed, big whoop. FFS...
Anyway, back on track (somewhat, one day at a time, eh?), so, again, thanks for the responses, sorry for my outburst, will get back to my usual drivel on this forum. I'm sure you're dying to hear whatever crap I can come up with.