You should still be able to change the battery if you can get it open, if not it should be connected to the ceiling via a kinda 3 pin plug, pull it hard (lol) n it should come off.
A couple of items caught my attention in the news, firstly the (d)ss declared a guy a guy fit for work who had no legs saying he could use his arms . Secondly the boss of capita (arsewipes who collect tv licence fee amongst other things) gets 2.8m a year and capita are doing such a bad job ( taking dead people to court for example) that even the kiddie fiddlers at the beeb are saying there out of order. If the capita tv licence enforcers meet there targets they get a annual bonus of 18k
Plenty of good youtube videos on how to deal with tv licence scum . Time to scramble the signal n only those who want the bbc can pay, worth remembering Netflix is cheaper.
Burn the castle !