Hi Master Ray thx for the msg and advice but you know the cardiologist i saw prescribed me drugs
ONLY if the extrasystoles are annoying me too much that's all.
For her, what I have
is not alarming and my heart is sane.
I dont smoke, I dont drink, I walk each day, i m vegetarian and I I do not take any medical treatment.
I already have extrasystoles 4 or 5 years ago. It comes when I'm nervous I noticed. But I didnt feel them like it was in January/february. I feel them less since a few weeks.
My father had and still have cardiac problems but his problem was due to cigarettes, fatty meal, too much sugar, no exercices at all and stress from his work
I went to see the cardiologist because 'I felt' too much extrasystoles and it looks like anxiety attack especially when it cames at night. And its surely some anxiety because extrasystoles gives that. And extrasystoles can be a symptom of anxiety. A vicious circle...
But i got no pain in the chest etc. I understand what you wrote, heart attack can be diffferent to each of us. Some feel pains others none. I know that , but I listen to my body maybe too much but when I feel something weird I go and see the doctor that's what I did

But the drugs the cardiologist prescribed me is just if extrasystoles annoy me too much.
It's ok for me now, I dont need to take them.
I dont think I'll take them anyway, I'll take hawthorn which is good for what I have (cardiologist was also ok with that).
I dont like drugs because the only times I took some I always had the side effects.
You know my father had some cardiac troubles because of tobacco etc but all the drugs he took and still take give him other healthy problems. Bradycardia for exemple or stomach troubles or even thyroid that became bigger... I could write a very long list
the cardiologist repeated me what i have is not alarming because extrasystoles come from the left atrial. If they come from ventricles it would be more annoying and serious but it's not the case.

I'm a anxious person so I try to not focus on what I have because just to think about that, i feel my heart.
I noticed when I dont think too much i'm ok. (but dont worry I listen to what my body can say... maybe too much which can cause anxiety. vicious circle again)
thx again for your msg Master Ray
best wishes