Author Topic: What pisses you off..? ;o)  (Read 75393 times)

Wessexy Witch

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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1410 on: August 28, 2019, 03:04:22 PM »
Boris fu*king Johnson


The fu*king Queen for backing him up.

Whooosshhhh !!!

Anna Woman von NRW

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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1411 on: August 28, 2019, 06:00:29 PM »
Boris fu*king Johnson


The fu*king Queen for backing him up.


Quite  >:(

It's gone far beyond embarrasing - I tell people I'm from Ireland now and stay very quiet about being English  :-[
« Last Edit: August 28, 2019, 06:07:11 PM by Anna Woman von NRW »
Waving at the devil that I know and the devil that I don't


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1412 on: August 28, 2019, 08:21:49 PM »
The Queen isn't "backing him up". She always, whoever is PM agrees whatever is proposed by her PM as is protocol, like it or not, right wing or left wing.

Don't also forget the day before a bunch of remainer MPs met to push their own agenda through undemocratically.

So we have two undemocratic moves.

However Pariliament IS Proroged every year anyway as part of parliamentary process.

So we can take our political sides and view it from whatever angle we want. If you are a leaver what has happened from Gina Miller to two days ago has been undemocratic to a referendum vote, if you are a remainer anything anyone does to leave even though the referendum was not won by remain will be met with ire.

Me. Well people see me here are right of centre, and I probably am. But in this case Remainers led by arch pretend Remainer Corbyn and people like Swinson who want to ignore a referendum result, you have Farage who is interfering in politics with hi Brexit headbangers threatening to run in an Election and they only have one policy, and Johnson who is driving this through like a headless brainless chicken. A pox an all of them.

What we DO know though it we are stuck in a deadly embrace between leavers and remainers. Sometime the least worst path is the way to go as where we've been for 3 years is leading to us stagnating.

However with respect, posting expletives is not going to get us far surely?  :)
« Last Edit: August 28, 2019, 08:25:00 PM by ldopas »

Master Ray

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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1413 on: August 28, 2019, 09:21:49 PM »

Moths.  Hate those flappy little wing-y bastards who scratch around your curtains or ceiling.

Wessexy Witch

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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1414 on: August 29, 2019, 08:32:42 AM »
Boris fu*king Johnson


The fu*king Queen for backing him up.


Quite  >:(

It's gone far beyond embarrasing - I tell people I'm from Ireland now and stay very quiet about being English  :-[

Same with my fella - he's Scottish.
Whooosshhhh !!!


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1415 on: August 29, 2019, 09:10:12 AM »
The Queen isn't "backing him up". She always, whoever is PM agrees whatever is proposed by her PM as is protocol, like it or not, right wing or left wing.

Don't also forget the day before a bunch of remainer MPs met to push their own agenda through undemocratically.

So we have two undemocratic moves.

However Pariliament IS Proroged every year anyway as part of parliamentary process.

So we can take our political sides and view it from whatever angle we want. If you are a leaver what has happened from Gina Miller to two days ago has been undemocratic to a referendum vote, if you are a remainer anything anyone does to leave even though the referendum was not won by remain will be met with ire.

Me. Well people see me here are right of centre, and I probably am. But in this case Remainers led by arch pretend Remainer Corbyn and people like Swinson who want to ignore a referendum result, you have Farage who is interfering in politics with hi Brexit headbangers threatening to run in an Election and they only have one policy, and Johnson who is driving this through like a headless brainless chicken. A pox an all of them.

What we DO know though it we are stuck in a deadly embrace between leavers and remainers. Sometime the least worst path is the way to go as where we've been for 3 years is leading to us stagnating.

However with respect, posting expletives is not going to get us far surely?  :)
Very well put. Most people tend to air their views on what they hear or read in the media and it's always the extreme views they respond to.  The big word in all this that people tend to forget is DEMOCRACY which is the fundamental reason we are where we are now and that fact that the people, which is you me and everybody else, mainly voted to leave the EU.  It's just a shame that the self serving politicians in this country decided to go against their own constituents and make it massive headache for the populus because we're all proper pissed off with hearing about it.  But as with most things this time next year we'll of all forgotten it ever happened, let's hope.


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1416 on: September 11, 2019, 09:29:38 PM »
WTF !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1417 on: September 12, 2019, 11:59:24 PM »
So America J trumpville have gone for it and announced a ban on eliquid flavours , whilst here in United Boris we are opening vape shops in hospitals . Guess we aren't reliant on masters settlement money rolling in . 100s  of thousands Americans die every year from smoking. 
Weirdo   Mosher   Freak.

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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1418 on: September 23, 2019, 07:16:11 PM »
So America J trumpville have gone for it and announced a ban on eliquid flavours , whilst here in United Boris we are opening vape shops in hospitals . Guess we aren't reliant on masters settlement money rolling in . 100s  of thousands Americans die every year from smoking.
What do you reckon to the vaping deaths Poll? Is that the reason for it??

On a side not, The clamour for Government, or should I say, our, money to bail out Thomas Cook. It was bad enough we bailed negligent bankers out. I dont really see why what should be a multi-million pound company should get the same due to mis-management. What return would the tax payer get??
Hala (from the Anglo-Saxon word "halh", meaning nook or remote valley), until it was gifted by King Henry II to Welsh Prince David Owen and became known as Halas Owen


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1419 on: September 26, 2019, 04:19:05 PM »
I went into my Town Centre today........on sale....Christmas cards and Mince's still September  ::) wtf!.....

Isaac(Black Eagle Rising)

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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1420 on: September 26, 2019, 06:04:05 PM »
5.8 earthquake.and mobile phones out of service in an emergency for an hour nearly..damn companies! >:(

Ron B

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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1421 on: September 30, 2019, 10:51:18 AM »
So America J trumpville have gone for it and announced a ban on eliquid flavours , whilst here in United Boris we are opening vape shops in hospitals . Guess we aren't reliant on masters settlement money rolling in . 100s  of thousands Americans die every year from smoking.
What do you reckon to the vaping deaths Poll? Is that the reason for it??

On a side not, The clamour for Government, or should I say, our, money to bail out Thomas Cook. It was bad enough we bailed negligent bankers out. I dont really see why what should be a multi-million pound company should get the same due to mis-management. What return would the tax payer get??

It's a way to distract from trying to pass reasonable gun laws. I heard he made a call to the NRA to help him in his latest mess.
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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1422 on: September 30, 2019, 01:19:25 PM »
A piece in the latest edition of PRIVATE EYE ......TRUMPS AMERICA 2019......''Deaths caused by flavoured e-cigarettes 6 ,Trump calls for ban ''.......''Deaths caused by handguns 10,736 ,Trump does'nt call for ban''..says it all really...... ::)


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1423 on: September 30, 2019, 03:36:26 PM »
A piece in the latest edition of PRIVATE EYE ......TRUMPS AMERICA 2019......''Deaths caused by flavoured e-cigarettes 6 ,Trump calls for ban ''.......''Deaths caused by handguns 10,736 ,Trump does'nt call for ban''..says it all really...... ::)
Good point well made!!
Hala (from the Anglo-Saxon word "halh", meaning nook or remote valley), until it was gifted by King Henry II to Welsh Prince David Owen and became known as Halas Owen


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1424 on: December 08, 2019, 09:02:31 PM »
Win 10 and updating >:(
Wasted some hours this afternoon updating a new but only offline- pc with win 10 older than one year >:(
If you don`t like cortana, edge and other win-apps and don`t want to share everything with there rest of unknown people and companies - it`s not funny and I have to continue tomorrow
(and I´m  still using my oldie posting here) ;)
And me, I`ve got a black place in my heart
Still got this hole in me
Perhaps - I am the master of nothing?