Author Topic: What pisses you off..? ;o)  (Read 75126 times)


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1470 on: January 27, 2021, 05:27:12 PM »
Went to the supermarket today. Sixpack of beer was in discount for 75 CZK so I bought two. I tend to drink too much.


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1471 on: February 04, 2021, 06:09:00 AM »
Just read that in germany Eventim, the ticket seller is going to sell tickets only to vaccinated people. Well, they are thinking out loud, a sign to the politics.
This is the future we're heading to. They say they have the technology to scan vaccination-passes (impfausweis). I think in the background they are already building an infrastructure, europe wide, to have this going.
German written article

I won't be vaccinated! Not with this mRna or DNA stuff.

This is my worst fear since almost exactly one year ago come true.
ever tried. ever failed. no matter.
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(samuel beckett)


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1472 on: February 12, 2021, 03:27:51 PM »
So, looks like my package from NMA shop arrived, quite impressive that it didn't take any longer...

BUT. I received a paper from our beloved Česká pošta to go to the main post office in Jindřišská street to pick up a letter, which I received after showing my passport and signing papers. The contents of the envelope in a photo below... this many papers, as I'm required to go and make a customs declaration somewhere to f*****g Štěrboholy for the customs post office in Praha 10 with a bunch of filled forms with me - I checked the building from Google maps and it looks like the Ministry of Love from one certain dystopian nightmare or something similar, or maybe my name's just Josef K.

I have to admit that I have not been the most active news-reader in the world, but can someone please tell me some of the nice things that come with Brexit? I'd feel much better.


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1473 on: February 12, 2021, 04:12:07 PM »
That is ridiculous....... >:(...


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1474 on: February 12, 2021, 05:42:57 PM »
Yes, it is...

UK vs. EU now? This totally reminded me of this video:

 ;D  :-\


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1475 on: March 05, 2021, 08:54:13 PM »
The story continues... Ok, this is actually already really funny…  ;D

It's the story of my lucky order from the NMA shop that I did on the first of February and that got stuck in Czech customs a few weeks ago.

I FINALLY received it yesterday!

I picked up the notification to go and collect my parcel from the post office. Just for the record, when I did the order, I paid 14 pounds for postage that I thought was rather dear but yeah, after Brexit-shit, so ok, I’ll do it, and there were many items in there anyway. So the postage is covered for sure.

But hey, in order to get my package out from the main post office, I had to pay 759 CZK, which is around 25 pounds!!!!!! (this consisted of 539 CZK for obscurely mentioned ''customs operations debt, items 49019900 and 61091000'', 20 CZK for storing the parcel and 200 CZK for Czech post to deal with the customs declaration) Like, what the actual fcuk? Anyway, I’d been waiting for my package for a bit over a month so, whatever.

My smile was as wide as ever under the respirator mask when I first saw my parcel in the hands of the post office lady! I was so happy! It was totally like a Christmas and me like a kid when I arrived back home and opened the package! I did it slowly, appreciating every item I dug out… until there wasn’t anything more to discover… Like, wait… What the…?? Wait for it… Drums roll… So yeah, pity that they forgot to put there the CD that was the reason why I originally made this order in the first place, the Carnival Redux… Hahahahahahaha it just simply wasn’t there, really, I’m not kidding!! ;D

I went through these steps:

- Double-checked all envelopes and everything in the post package
- Searched everywhere around my arm chair where I was sitting when opening the package… I’m not
 necessarily the most organized person ever so I had to go through…stuff
- Question my sanity
- Checked the products list in my order confirmation to make sure I really ordered it (I did.)
- Started laughing out loud absolutely hysterically – kept bursting into crazy fits of laughter and was unable to stop for forty-odd minutes
- Worried about my neighbours thinking ''ah, she finally lost it''
- Opened a beer

Yep, I just e-mailed to the NMA shop…

I’ve always been kind of Donald Duck-y what it comes to luck in life, so amen to that I guess  :( >:( ::) :P 8)


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1476 on: March 10, 2021, 09:47:11 PM »
fcking covid and everythinf which relates to it


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1477 on: March 26, 2021, 12:17:07 PM »
My boss got diagnosed with diabetes... So we were chatting, me wondering whether my dizziness is because of blood sugar. He was like ''let's measure it!'', so we did. Turns out my blood sugar's perfectly fine. So I was like, well, maybe it's blood pressure... He dug his bag for a while and gave me a device for measuring blood pressure. ''...OK, doc...'' After googling my blood pressure results, it says ''Stage 2 high blood pressure / Talk to your doctor about taking more than one medication.''  >:( Maybe I'll just have an apple.


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1478 on: April 27, 2021, 09:59:46 AM »
COOKING pisses me off. Can't wait till I can go to a restaurant again.
I just made some salad - like, salad, cucumber, tomatoes, tuna fish, olives, feta cheese, olive oil, salt, and black pepper. Halfway into making the salad, I was groaning out of boredom. Like a Chewbacca. It was so bloody boring.


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1479 on: April 27, 2021, 01:05:50 PM »
Sounds like a damn fine salad to me..................i dread to think what noises you make when you actually cook ? ?.... ;D...


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1480 on: April 27, 2021, 01:22:58 PM »
Damn...Tarsier, what's wrong with you? ;)
As Ghosttrain mentioned, this sounded like a wonderful and exciting Salad! The only thing i missed there, was some lemon or vinegar..maybe that made it boring, some sour action!! ;)
I totally love standing in my kitchen, doing the preparation, cutting, slicing, peeling, pre-cooking...and very often i just lack the lust to eat afterwards. :o The key for me is that i mostly listen to audio-books while cooking. Music of course is also a good thing and a must have, but listening to a cool story while doing those things, it relaxes me.
But yeah...not to be able to go to a sucks! As a chef, with a time limited work contract, i really don'tknow how this will play out in the more restaurants will be there, like 75% are going to go bankrupt because of the lockdown in germany.
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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1481 on: April 27, 2021, 04:55:08 PM »
I would have dressed that salad with some Pesto. Sun dried tomato pesto , very nice.

Pesto,,, I love the stuff. I can be caught on my own late at night with a jar and a spoon.

My secret shame  :'(
The longer this century goes on, the more I feel I belong in the last one.


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1482 on: May 11, 2021, 04:17:16 PM »
Ghosttrain, I think I try to muffle my groans while actually cooking – like, pretending everything’s fine so the food will also be fooled to think everything’s fine and will end up edible :D

Cthulhu, damn, I’ve never gotten that far in life that I’d use words ‘exciting’ and ‘salad’ in a same sentence  ;D ::) And hopefully nothing’s wrong with me that wasn’t wrong to begin with...just, sometimes it’s tough to be an adult, having to feed yourself and stuff. ;D I have a very short attention span with things I’m not much interested in. Cooking is one thing that I rarely enjoy. The times I truly enjoy cooking are few and far between… I’m perfectly happy if someone else does it for me. Actually, I rather wash dishes than cook. And I’m not a fan of washing dishes. And dishes are something you do, well, you know, maybe next day?  ;) Audiobooks are something that I haven’t much listened to as I keep losing concentration all the time and it’s a pain in the arse to…how do people say ‘rewind’ nowadays? :D If not listening to music, I usually have a radio on. Listening to BBC World Service, even though it tends to be depressing but at least they don’t play music there.

I truly wish all my favourite restaurants will be around after this madness… It’s been a terrible year. And every time when I walk around the city, I see more and more places closed for good   :(
And people like me, we need the restaurants around… If any chef would witness me cooking by myself, they’d go like:


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1483 on: May 11, 2021, 04:20:13 PM »
I would have dressed that salad with some Pesto. Sun dried tomato pesto , very nice.

Pesto,,, I love the stuff. I can be caught on my own late at night with a jar and a spoon.

My secret shame  :'(

Yes, pesto is great... But that sounds like quite hard-core pesto addiction? I have to admit, I'd love to know a person who visits a pesto jar with a spoon ;D


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Re: What pisses you off..? ;o)
« Reply #1484 on: May 11, 2021, 04:31:07 PM »
Some mysterious nerve problem, originating somewhere from my neck/upper back is affecting my left hand…the ring finger and pinkie are not functioning properly. After a couple of weeks, it really pisses me off. I started taping them together, feels less annoying that way. I'm glad I'm right-handed and haven't played any instrument for years.