Taping off the radio was illegal remember, however one couldn't make an exact digital copy then. 
That 'sits back and awaits comments' line is in bad taste. I know the personality type that does things like that. Who are you to post that hyperlink? One of the entitled, no doubt. Everyone else that commented on this thread was respectful to the band and showed restraint.
But that's just my opinion, and we already know yours now. You didn't even comment on the song.
Care to elaborate on the personal stuff in particular the Personality Type and One of the Entitled, you seem to ride around on a rather high horse given some of your replies above. And indeed the thread itself.
I dont normally bother but you dont even know me. Have you watched a lot of CSI or something.
PM me if vou like rather than clog the thread with personal drivel.
I won't be able to reply till Monday though as am off to the Blacksheep Festival to put some money in the Bands coffers.
As said above life's too short to argue with a total stranger on the internet, we already have some common ground in our music taste so theres a start.
Ah the song, Yes I like it but will await the final recorded version on the Album ( Which I will purchase from The Shop) as the sound was not that good to be honest, maybe it will be played tomorrow, fingers crossed.
Oh and I should have said Discuss rather than the sit back thing, just bad wording on my part, because the topic is always a contentious one on any music forum.