though it was a very long movie it never felt boring. My son wasn't so much into it expecting more of an action movie, big heists but this film is about, as said before, relationships, choices we make, and the hard thing to judge what is good and what is evil.
It's a compelling and at times poignant characters's study, as much as a thriller...Mann himselfs says that "Heat" is a "drama", not a thriller/cop movie...because the characters are driving the story, the action. The whole casting is very good, the camerawork is superb, as the use of music/sound and L.A. real locations.
Some of my favourite moments:
-the opening scene with the haunting, ethereal music slowly coming with the opening frame.
-first face to face between De Niro and Pacino, when De Niro's character is hiding in the shadows (a forerunner of the film's ending?) and Pacino sees him on his small monitor...very intense.
-De Niro's character going in his empty home, looking at the sea, the emptiness, loneliness of his own life...
-De Niro toying with the cops, with Pacino's team, taking photographs of them.
-Most of the scenes between De Niro and the lovely, shy character played by Amy Brenneman.
-the famous, terrifying shootout after the bank heist
-the last scene between Val Kilmer and Ashley Judd...a moving scene, all the feelings conveyed by the direction, use of close up on the actor/actress's faces.
-De Niro "driving to paradise", in the white tunnel, making a tragic choice after Jon Voigh's call.
-the whole ending: hotel/airport scene.
Brillant movie in every ways!