Re: vices and getting old: i started smoking when i was 10, smoked heavily from about 13 to 43, and two years ago i gave up "smoking" for "vaping". i LOVED smoking and didnt think i'd ever want to give up...till my son was born and suddenly i wasnt the most important thing in my life. not only was it my duty to try and stay alive for as long as possible to be a dad to him, i didnt want to set a bad example. it still took me 8 years and three good goes at quitting before i did it; and i know i couldnt have done it without e-cigs. i have no problem with being a nicotine addict, it's the hydrogen cyanide et al that i'm not so keen on. weirdest thing is i dont miss it...much!
@Rusco: stick with it- 7 days off the fags is good work! after 3 weeks i'd celebrate with a drink! lol
as for alchohol and other recreational drugs, if you havent discovered your own limits by middle-age, or you still cant control yourself, then you're probably already a fucked-up casualty.
I can recognize so well that love for smoking. I have it. But now I also feel that same weird thing after only just 1 and half week after quitting. I realise I can be without it with actually quite easy efforts. (But that exactly was the reason why I last time also started to smoke again after having 8 months of pause 5 years ago - I'm a master at fooling me. But this time I could be prepared for that).
I don't know did you read my earlier messages but I had a continuous sinusitis last autumn and three antibiotic treatments. Now I'm fit, at last. I've also been appalled about my 42 year old friend who just started to smoke for a first time. He wanted to get thinner. Really!
And the booze part: I've just now realised in last couple of years my father (aged 72) has a problem with alcohol now as he's retired. That's another thing to be appalled. I don't want to go that same path. But the truth about Finns in general is that alcohol is a problem to 500 000 people here. (There are only 5 million population here). So it's as much as 1/10 part of the people. And of the 500 000 group there are 100 000 people of them carrying a certain gene that makes alcohol problematic: be fair, alcohol has a big part in traditions in Finland. I also could consume 15 beers, one bottle of wine and two glasses of spirit in one evening without "problems".

But now as I've seen where could it lead if I follow my father's footsteps - I don't want. And neither my wife.